Dracargen / Member

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Holy crap, it's been a long week.

So much has happened in the past several days.

First off, I hope you guys like Barack Obama. I've discovered that the moderators here certainly do.>__> I'll say no more than that.

My doctor got onto me because I wasn't dieting/excercising right. Then he prescribed me two medicines, one that I don't really need, and ambien, a medicine for insomnia, which I really do need. The ambien makes me incredibly dizzy, and gives me the most "real" dreams I've ever had. I sometimes wake up thinking somebody's calling me, or that something is happening when it's only those dreams. But I'm sleeping much better now. I also bought a stationary excercise bike.

I had my pictures for graduation (which is next month) taken. The photographer (very nice woman) took about twenty, and sent four previews.


I had to practically look at the sun without squinting on this one. . .


Say it: I'm gorgeous.8) The fancy shoes I had to wear to that, however, dug into my left heel. When I was done with them, I was bleeding badly. I'm literally in pain in the picture in front of the house.

Either me, my mother, or grandmother, or a mixture of the three, have had a doctor appointment every single day, early in the morning. My stomach has been bothering me, kind of like it did back when I had the ulcers (you know, the ones we found out I had because the doctor had to shove a camera tube down my throat and up my ass?), so we went to see doctor about that, and he put me on a medicine for Irritable Bowel Syndrome and said if that doesn't help, he'll need to do another endoscopy.

My little brother has had his ingrown toenail removed, because it was starting to cause him tremendous pain out of nowhere. He went to the same doctor my grandfather went to, for the same reason.