Since I'm apparently GameSpot's most ignorant user for being against something people only want so they can sit around and huff all day about how the Man is evil and how hallucinating opens your mind, I have seen the err of my ways and I formally apologise to any brainless pot junkie who may have been offended by my true insults.
I must also confess that I am actually insecure and afraid of the wonderful intelligence of high school dropouts who seem to be too high to use the word "your" in its possessive sense. Because, after all, no smart person has a third-grade knowledge of English grammar. Only ignorant people know how to spell or use something as silly as a comma. Druggies, on the other hand, have surpassed the plane of intelligence into something that can only be described as "superific."
I also realised that the tens of thousands of scientists on the matter are wrong and that drugs don't really harm your brain, but it's just a coincidence. After all, drug-toting scum typically like to drink, smoke, and all sorts of other things that would damage your brain, so the drugs must not really be causing it. Heck, drugs must actually be GOOD for your health, especially when taken without restriction or consent from a doctor, who obviously has no idea what he's doing, because, let's face it: Drugs are good, m'kay?
I also must admit the fact that drugs only harm the user (which they don't, as seen by the point above). All those years I have had around drug users in my own family were made up by me in order for me to blindly hate a substance that totally doesn't make people into violent morons with no life. The families who enter therapy because of another person's drug usage are also nothing more than government propaganda designed to brainwash children toward an agenda that, apparently, would do nothing but harm the government.
So I am truly sorry, my pot-huffing, crap-sniffing peers, for calling you names and trying to do something with my life. I'm truly sorry for thinking you're a worthless sack of crap when the truth is that all college students do drugs. Let's be BFFs.