Dracargen / Member

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The "Rational" Responce Squad going after. . .Richard Dawkins?!

For those who do not know, the Rational Responce Squad(RRS)is a neo-atheistic cult, full of incompetent dumbasses. These people lable themselves as rational (for the sole reason of not believing in God, not because they are actually smart) and anyone who disagrees with them is an irrational idiot, according to them.

These people will viciously attack any theist they can get their sights on. They will spread false rumors about theists. They will pose mindless propoganda as "Rational disproofs ofTheism."But a recent news article showed just how unbelievebly spineless and incometent they truly are. This time, they went after not William Lane Craig, not after Ravi Zacharias, not after any apologist or theist, but Richard Dawkins, well-known for his popular book, The God Delusion.

The problem? Read.

"1. During a skype chat, Brian Cutler (aka Brian Sapient) and Kelly O'Connor of the "Rational Response Squad" approached Reed and other chatters and claimed that Richard Dawkins was having an extra-marital affair! (at least 6 witnesses have confirmed this).

2. People in the chat room asked Brian and Kelly for evidence.

3. Brian and Kelly refused to give any evidence.

4. People in the chat room felt that Brian and Kelly were lying then.

5. What was the motive behind Brian's and Kelly's accusation?

  • It was found out that the Richard Dawkins Foundation's new management stopped RRS from having contact with Dawkins (because they knew RRS were attention-getting whores who used Dawkins to spread their own unpopular names).
  • RRS wanted the lady in charge fired.
  • She didn't get fired.
  • So Brian and Kelly made up an allegation of an affair."

Oh, but there is so much more in the link I gave.

They will go against even atheists who won't kiss up to their idiocy. I can say with full knowledge that anybody who calls himself a member of thisRRS is a completely mindless dumbass with no clue whatsoever. And yes, I just labeled hundreds of people. I don't care.