Okay, I will admit that I was maybe a little too angry... outraged... disgusted... what is the right word here? Anyway, I was probably running on a very high level of dissapointment when I made my initial comments and review about Ace Combat: Assault Horizon. Now that I've had a day or two to let my thoughts on the game settle down, and given the game a chance to redeem itself, I have to say that I stand by everything I said about it. Dull, lifeless, tedious, I could go on forever with the adjectives. I don't know if anyone is ever going to read this or if you will even care about some random Game Spot user's opinion, but please do yourself a favour and stay well clear of this game.
That being said, I will admit that when played on-line, the game is a fair bit of fun. This is almost entirely thanks to your human opponents and the fact that they, unlike the AI, actually fight back. However, it still comes down to the same formula as the campaign: get in close, activate DFM and then fire when instructed. Is it a fun enough way to kill time? Yes. Is it worth paying full price for an otherwise terrible flight sim? Absolutely not.