DraconigenaDeus' forum posts
Well i'm seeing a 7.0 from GS in the near future..WSGRandomPerson
:lol: That sounds about right, but I'm still going to get this game at some point no matter how short it is or no matter how bad it reviews. I wish that IGN video review was a bit longer...
Makers just need to relieze that graphics aren't that important to gamers for RPGs. >>;
I completely agree
maybe, but you've got to remember that at the time the graphics for those games were pretty awesome, so it wasn't like they weren't trying as hard as they do now to make the graphics as good as they could at the time.darkcloud6
As true as that may be graphics weren't good enough to carry a game back in the old days, we still had movies and special effects which dwarfed gaming graphics. Now graphics in games not only hold up but some would argue are the most beautiful art form there is. In this respect I think it is natural for developers to maybe develop a dependency on their visuals, which works for many types of games, just not RPGs.
[QUOTE="DraconigenaDeus"]I'm going to be completely unoriginal and go w/ One Winged Angel, it is not only my favorite but the only one I know the name of :P.michelle_moraes
Have you heard the Crisis Core version of this song? It is wonderful! My favorite version by far! I think I also prefer it better because of the fight against him - man, I was trembling on the one-on-one! XD
I can't wait :D
[QUOTE="latte428"][QUOTE="michelle_moraes"][QUOTE="WSGRandomPerson"]I would imagine games on next-gen consoles should be longer, since they have more space on the disks. =/WSGRandomPerson
Yep, and not only that, you'd think that because it is next-gen and they are more expensive, you'd get more out of it. That's one of the main things I'm ticked off about those newer RPGs.
I could only think of these 2 games which is sad... Considering the price, there should be more long ones
And then you think it about it. 60GB is the total of memory on a PS3 disc, then the game itself is like 60 dollars plus tax. I want atleast a good 100 solid hours on it. >>;
I was just thinking about this too. Newer games think they can get away with shorter and less in depth stories due to all the pretty graphics and cutscenes. I hope this phase ends soon, all my favorite stories are still from older games as they did the opposite, making longer games w/ more in depth stories and gameplay to make up for the simplistic graphics...
I just played this game (well the ps1 version) recently, but I still forget who you fight at Riovannes castle...is it Wiegraf? If so I have a good strategy if you have enough JP in White Magic. Holy kills him in one hit w/ 100% accuracy, so set that to your secondary skill as a job w/ high speed such an a ninja or thief and you should be able to do away w/ him. Or if you have enough JP in the chemist job class just get the Auto Potion ability and throw away all of your potions except for the X-potions. You'll still want to use a job that can attack him from afar though as his counter attacks can be brutal and won't be healed by auto potion. If you can use both of these tactics then he will be cake. If you can't do any of this tell me what long distance attacking skill sets and rxn abilities you have to work w/ and I'll see what I can do to help you out :).
If this isn't the fight you're talking about give me a quick reminder and I'll again see if I have any helpful advice.
I going to go ahead and support this, but don't get your hopes too high Tev. I'm not sure GS wants to take the effort to implement something new w/ all of the issues they already have.
I'll add to the ideas to see if I can help though. We all ready have a levels system place that works in a similar way, and if GS wanted they could handle it in the same way to a T. Like the level system, they could limit cash farming by limiting the amount of cash you can get in one day. So you would be rewarded for checking in consistantly (as the level system already does) and not by the amount of spam you produce. If you think about it from this perspective implementing this should be cake, since the system is already in place. They could just hand out GSD in coordination w/ your rise in levels, this way levels would actually have meaning to them as well, how much money you have earned :P. This way everybody would already be familiar (well a little bit) w/ how it works as well.
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