When Rockband was released for the Playstation 3 many gamers were expecting their Gibson Les Paul from Guitar Hero III to work with it allowing them to have a full band of 2 guitars, drums, and a singer. However the guitar did not work with the game. Harmonix quickly made a patch to enable the guitar to be used, but what has happened to it? Apparently Activision does not want people using their guitar with Rock Band and they have instructed Sony to not allow the distribution of the patch.
The 360 version of Rockband does work with the 360 Gibson Les Paul and I was considering purchasing Guitar Hero III so I could play both games, however after reading of this I have decided unless Activision changes its mind I am not only not getting Guitar Hero III, but I am going to boycott Activision entirely. That may end up being a good thing... it will save me money.
Anyway, I sent Activision a letter with my thoughts on the matter. I encourage anyone else who thinks this is silly of Activision to also speak out and let them know.