Seriously, don't bother because I haven't got the answer:( Mafia II briefly thwarted my problem (I posted about it in this blog) with not being able to get hooked into a game lately even though it had a very craptacular ending. It was a short game and I haven't had the motivation to dive into the DLC yet so I am back to where I started again. Deja vu? Yeah I guess.
I am trying to be the responsible parent so I cancelled my pre-order of L.A.Noire recently and will now just rent it from GameFly. Speaking of GameFly the last game I rented was pretty crappy too. Thor: God of Thunder anyone? I got through the first chapter/area/whatever it is was called and immediately took the game out of the 360, stuck it back in the mailer and drove it to the post office to send it back. Same day returns FTL! Way too repetitive and too much mindless button mashing. Now I did read reviews so I knew how bad critics were panning it but since I love me any kind of mythology I decided to give it the ol' college try. Oh well, this was not meant to be.
So since I can't get hooked on a single game I have been going through XLA titles like I hope people change their underwear. Some I play for 5 minutes and others for like 30 or more but still none can get me to sink my teeth into and not let go! So I fall back on my safety net for times like these and play a game that I am awfully close to 300 hours in which is amazing for a game that is not strictly a RPG. What game do I refer to? Well Borderlands of course! I keep doing random things. Been farming Crawmerax a lot lately and got a few nice weapons but still no elusive Pearl. Also been farming the Knoxx Armory and got a nice new shiny Sniper Mod but since I ****ed up and finished that DLC on playthrough 1 it takes a lot of ****ing patience because on play through 2 they leveled up above me as you have to solo a level 70 General Knoxx to half health. While this is going on 2 level 70 Robots decided to join in with Knoxx. So I then leave Knoxx alone and concentrate on both robots. Once they are finally dead I go back to fighting Knoxx and when he gets down to 50% health the Calvary comes as 3 Combat Medics arrive and begin healing Knoxx. So I go and take care of the 3 Medics so I can finally start to whittle Knoxx's health down. Before I finish with him a level 70 Bad Ass Robot joins in to make my life miserable. "Bad Ass" just means they are a hell of a lot harder to kill than a normal enemy. So yeah, that takes too much time and patience to solo. Anybody ever need help just hit me up on Live.
So here I am with no clue what to try yet again. I was gonna rent Lego Pirates but I think it is too soon for me. I love the Lego games but I can't play them that close together. I'm just gonna wait till that gets marked down and buy it eventually. Nothing else before L.A.Noire looks any good to rent so my GameFly queue will be bare until that ships presumably next Monday and takes a full week to get here from Pittsburgh:roll:
Well time to go make the donuts!