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DragAvaPhan Blog

Moving Day

I haven't been on this site for a while because I had to move :( At least I will still have my friends here! I've lived in 5 diff places in my life and moving never seems to get any easier. In fact this time I'm moving to a whole nother state! Any one who wants to share their moving experiences please do.

I am Back


Hey I haven't written anything on this site for a while. I've been kind of busy. Well I am celebrating my return with a new weekly news report that is going to be cartoon and Manga characters talking to me, DragAvaPhan your host, as well as other characters. I will also be giving you a look into the personal lives of those characters and also give you some *SPOILERS* on the next episode or next chapter of the Manga! I would LOVE to have feedback on my articles. So please write what you think of them. No putting me down please, I'm new at this. Starting Monday this character will be used :

Sasuke from Naruto

I will also be taking requests from anyone who would like to "PLAY" the character they requested on my blog.

Also the deadline for the Haiku contest is the 5th of May! So get those entries in! The winners will receive:

1st place- A trophy and a passport to Hawaii

2nd place- A drawing posted on my blog of your Favorite Manga Or Anime character

3rd place- A free Pokemon cursor

Haiku Galore!

Haiku's are my favorite form of writing, and also was the main form of poetry in China and Japan. So I got to thinking yesterday when I was watching an Avatar episode (Tales of Ba Sing Se: The Tale of Sokka) that I could hold a Haiku contest and of course the winner gets prizes!

I have prepared my own Haiku to show you the format:

Its songs bring on sleep,

In the middle of the night,

'Tis the Nightengale.

Tell me how you like this and please enter. And remember,

Five, Seven, then five,

Syllables mark a haiku

remarkable one.

And I just thought of one for Zutara too.

This is from Katara's point of view.

My heart throbs for him,

Different nations we are,

We cannot be one,

Love so forbidden to us,

That we barely know,

The truth ourselves and in love.

My Story

A while back I told you of an art project that was to illustrate a book. It just so happens that I created sort of a manga type story that I really like and hope to get some where w/it when I am older. The plot line of the book is that there are these magical transforming people that use the power of moonlight to guide them to see the true inner spirits of their friends and even their enemies.

The main character of the book is a 14 year old girl named Midnight. She along with her 7 year old sister Twilight (I got this name from my favorite book + it rhymed w/Midnight) and her boyfriend Kiegan (Kee-gan) have many adventures in the mystical land of Tirips(Tie-rips) (CLUE: read the name backwards). The problem is that the handsome Kiegan is too intruiging and lures his girlfriend out into the the hands of danger, Queen Glacia(Glaa-Sha). Queen Glacia is the evil ruler of the nieghboring land of Lythia (This is where Kiegan lives, which is yet another milestone in Midnight's relationship). She is recently trying to take over the land of Tirips and will do anything to get her way. That is all I will write for now, I promised Phantom-GIrl that I would look at her blogs!

Nothing exciting

There's nothing exciting going on in my life right now, except that maybe I am teaching myself Japanese and of course Phantom-Girl is a big help! It has been ages since I last watched Avatar. Whats going on with the series? Who knows where I can buy the season 3 chapters 1-4 DVD? I also would like to know if there is anywhere I can buy Naruto Leaf ninja headbands or necklaces? The reason being I am going to a Manga convention w/ phantom-girl and I am thinking of Being TenTen. I'm not for sure who I will be yet, But I would like to know where to find these items, just incase. I will write a blog on the convention when it is over. It's not going to be for a while (actually 'till next January) but I am really excited about it!

Twilight: Vampires in a whole new way!

I recently read a book that I loved and am now hooked on, Twilight. My good friend Phantom-Girl introduced it to me (gives Phantom-Girl a big hug) and I think it is the best book I have ever read! (Besides the Eragon series!) THANK YOU! THANK YOU PHANTOM-GIRL! This romantic vampire novel is unlike any other I have watched or read. I won't give away all the details, but the author really puts her imagination to use in the various powers she gives the vampires. There are a lot of characters, but of course my favorite is the heartthrob vampire, Edward. Besides him I think my favorite would be Alice, which is Edward's little sister. I love her ability to see into the future. Any way, I recommend this to everyone who loves love stories!

Happy Awesome Anime day!

Its Anime day! I would like to give a shout out to these Anime:

1.Avatar the Last Airbender

2. Pokemon ( I have loved it since I was 5 and am still following the episodes! Will Jesse and James ever get together? It's just something I can't let go)

3.Mew Mew Power ( Do they still show this?)

4. Naruto (Kakashi's awesome!)

5. Sailor Moon (I miss her :cry:, runs to toy collection and hugs Sailor Moon doll)

To all of these and more we say thank you for giving us entertainment by bashing each others brains out! (Does salute) I know I speak for all anime fans when I say(salutes)You are all Awesome!

Happy Anime Day!

Well folks, its Anime day and I would like to give a shout out to the following Anime:

1. Avatar the Last Airbender

2. Pokemon ( I loved it since I was 5 and I am still following the episodes! It's just something I can't let go)

3. Naruto (Kakasi's awesome!)

4. Mew Mew Power ( I don't know if they show this any more :question: )

5. Sailor Moon (I miss her:cry:)

To all these anime and more I say (does salute) thank you for the entertainment and for just being awesome!

Worms for Valentine's Day?

Don't buy any V-day candy from New York stores! I heard on the radio the candy in the stores this year is from last year! EWWWWWW! I also heard that they did a study and found that most of the candy didn't have dates on it so they could put it in the stock room for next year instead of losing profits! The study group found a giant Hershey kiss they had bought was not only unedable, it had worms in it! (turns head and throws up)

Weird dream!

This is VERY, VERY, weird. At 2:00 last night I woke up out of the strangest dream. I dreamed my parents were murderers and they kept telling me to bury some people that was in my older brothers room. I finaly went up there and on the stairs there was some CREEPY looking dolls that were watching me go up the stairs! I didn't go back to sleep for A LONG, LONG, time after that.

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