A while back I told you of an art project that was to illustrate a book. It just so happens that I created sort of a manga type story that I really like and hope to get some where w/it when I am older. The plot line of the book is that there are these magical transforming people that use the power of moonlight to guide them to see the true inner spirits of their friends and even their enemies.
The main character of the book is a 14 year old girl named Midnight. She along with her 7 year old sister Twilight (I got this name from my favorite book + it rhymed w/Midnight) and her boyfriend Kiegan (Kee-gan) have many adventures in the mystical land of Tirips(Tie-rips) (CLUE: read the name backwards). The problem is that the handsome Kiegan is too intruiging and lures his girlfriend out into the the hands of danger, Queen Glacia(Glaa-Sha). Queen Glacia is the evil ruler of the nieghboring land of Lythia (This is where Kiegan lives, which is yet another milestone in Midnight's relationship). She is recently trying to take over the land of Tirips and will do anything to get her way. That is all I will write for now, I promised Phantom-GIrl that I would look at her blogs!
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