@A_Rabid_Dog @Dragdar .the funny thing is even the game line up MS offers is inferior, both in number, quality and diversity
i fell sorry for the lemming xbots who'll bitterly defend their green daddy to the very endno one is stopping you from buying Xb1 it's just that you'll be stuck with a worse product, that's all
genius movewhy?drastically cuts down the number of people simultaneous owning both the PS 4 and an Xb1considering how PS+ and Live is 50$ + 60$ a year without being able so invest yourself fully into either one
Now that all the players have layed down their cards MS drops a pair of kings.the PlayStation opens with a straight flush !... this is the generation Sony stands to match the Ps2 era head-to-head
That Michael Pachter must be a wizard or something, what with his amazingly accurate prediction and all.
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