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Im still around

My friends and compatriots, im alive, and im still here. :D

i haven't been around much, cause ive been grouned :P

and also, today im going elsewhere, so i won't have a computer for at least a day, or two, whenever we get back.

First off, last night's rally was amazing.

Second, i need to add to my 101.

11. I cant find the computer keys

they've been relocated, and i can't find them.

12. Life in general

don't you just hate life sometimes?

Anyways, when i was gone for like....a day, i had the fear that i would come back, and this place would be dead :P

Glad to see everyone was like "where's DragnUp? she should be here by now, to give us one of her crazy theories".

So anyways, peace people.

i got to leave real soon, hope i got everything i need for a couple of days :D

see ya!