The title of this blog is referring to something bad that happened yesterday, but I'll start the blog off with some positive things.
First off, I had an awesome Easter weekend. :) My family and I had a nice dinner, I had my fair share of candy, and I got both Pokemon Black and White. I was kinda surprised I got both, because I wanted Black and my brother was going to get White. He apparently didn't want it anymore and got two Call of Duty games instead. His loss. :P
Also, it was my 16th birthday on Monday. :o I already received my birthday gift a month, as I stated in my previous blog. I got a couple of iTunes gift cards and money that will be going to "something special". :roll: What am I referring to, exactly? That brings us into the bad news part of the blog.
For the past month or so, my Xbox has been having problems reading game discs. Usually it would either take awhile to load or it would tell me to clean the disc and restart the console. By doing either of these, it would eventually work and I would be able to play the games. About a week ago, I got a can of air to spray into the disc tray to clean it. It seemed to have fixed the problem, until I tried to play yesterday.
I tried to play Reach yesterday to hopefully get closer to ranking up, but the disc wouldn't read. It also seemed to be "giving up" on the disc much earlier that it had done before. I shrugged it off and restarted the Xbox, hoping it work would. After restarting it, the game still wouldn't read. I tried with several other games and none of them worked. I even tried spraying more air into the tray, but that didn't seem to help. I know it's the Xbox's fault because one of the games I tried playing was Rock Band 3, which I had just gotten a few weeks ago, and is still fairly new. I've even been noticing that the Xbox is scratching up the discs more, which just sucks even more. The support on really didn't help either, seeing as how it was telling me to do the same things I had already done before.
We decided that we're just going to buy a new Xbox. This means I won't be able to play any game discs until Tuesday. :( I'd rather just waita few days to get a new console than wait weeks tohave Microsoft fix myXbox and send it back. Sometime in the future,we'll send in the Xbox to get it repaired anduse it asa backup incase the new one dies, which it most likely will. I can't believe that this will be my third Xbox. :x
With PSN down and only being able to playArcade games on XBL, I'll be devoting my gaming time to Pokemon Black. I've just made it into the town with the second gym, My current team is Snivy, Pidove, Patrat, Panpour, Blitzle, and Tympole. I plan on ditching Patrat and Panpour soon, because Patrat sucks and Tympole will replace Panpour as my water type. The other 4 will most likely be apart of my final team. I'm liking the plot of this game so far, as well.
Well, I'm done now. Bye. D: