well yes im definitely a fanboy but i'd like to see all the ps1 era finals remade but 7 is a personal favourite p.s yes i know it was a tech demo if you read the question properly it says is there a chance of it being remade i have done my research you know just wanted to hear a few opinions
So here we again on someone bringing this up but just got to know will they ever? I mean c'mon its gonna be to late soon there is money to be made SQUARE-ENIX a film and a side story is just not enough!!
hopefully man and a persona 4 anime sounds amazing they've already released another persona anime trinity soul but its not based directly on the games still yeah i do hope its released on ps3 would spoil it if it was released it handheld not saying i woudnt buy it though
So even after the release of Catherine in Japan there hasn't been any news on persona 5 pushing forward the only news on it are rumours of a release for next generation console and that its in development, so c'mon atlus show us the goods!!
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