Okay, nothing has actually happened to me, per se, so this isn't an actual blog. Although, I did slam the keyboard drawer to hard at home and broke the keyboard, and the computer is now being dismantled for real (not that there's many parts still working) so I am working from school after all.
Okay, I'm expecting a backlog of blogs - hey, I wonder, is that where the word 'blog' comes from? THe Lazy-Man's backlog? Anyway. A blog of backlogs about April Fools day. I remember last year our regional paper had a big fake article about building a multi-million international airport at... Bridge Pa I think it was, which is really very, very small. There were going to be statues of two people, a man and woman. I remember the woman was April because the last scentence was about the supposed sculpturer (that's probably a word) wondering which order to do them: "Should I do (guy) or April first?". The idea being, fo course, that the whole article was a joke.
My family has a weird history with jokes. As a defensive mechanism, no jokes were played after lunchtime or the joke was null and void (I can't think how that would work). However, we (The Pet and I) still go apple-pie beds from our older sister. If you know what that is, skip all the blue type. An apple-pie bed is when you fold the sheet (that you lie UNDER, beneath the duvet) in half. The end that would be at the foot end is folded back under the pillow, parralel with the underlying sheet. The idea is that the bed's lengh is now halved, as the fold in that sheet stops your feet from going anymore than half-way down. I remember that when The Pet tried to lie down in her bed, she calimed she couldn't. I didn't believe her and strived to prove I could. I also could get no firther than half-way, although I think I might have figured out what happened sooner than she did.
I've made a few 'jokes' in my time, none of them very well planned or thought out. The only example I can think of is when I made a 'concoction' of toothpaste, water and something else. (Spit?) I put it in my The Pet's bed, unaware that, being Autumn (as it is in the Southern Hemisphere) The Pet could likely turn on her electric blanket and get fried. It was approximately 10 years - or even more - ago (it was before Eve's accident and that was when I was 9. I am now 17) but The Pet has no problem with bringing it up once or twice... a day... all Autumn. (That is, March, and April's surrounding area.) Nealy every year since. But then again, when I was less-than-7 I had no money, so my Chirstmas presents to the family were finished toilet-rolls with felt-tip drawings of clouds and rainbows and random crap like that on them. Dad still thinks it was hilarious and looks upon the memory with fondness. At least, I hope it's fondness. I do remember everyone laughed at my expense.
Anyway, despite threatened plans of skullduggery (like Conor and his laxative cookies, which thankfully Nick warned me about beforehand), it seems I have gotten away with mere 'corporate' practical jokes, on the web. ONE - April Fools on GameSpot (which I had to click a link to check, hmm, pity) and TWO - DragonFable characters are replaced with MechQuest characters (although only at the speaking screen - adding as guests gives you the originals). 'Corporate' in the sense that they are harmless fun without embaressing anybody intended for a wide audience, staged by teams. If you know what I'm saying.
Nearly texted Nick a joke, but refrained. Which turned out to be just fine, as he didn't have any credit to reply anyway.