Some blogs are disappearing from our pages. Others go on strong but nobody reads them so they are, for intents and purposes, dead also. So,I send some off to the... *ahem* 'eLab' to have them eTested in an eAutopsy...
The blogsare well and truly dead.
At least, I poked the screen andthey didn't move, so I can legally get away with giving them an autopsy.
Victim... er, BLOG1 seems to be 'snippets' of things that no one really cares about (pictures of my cat! picture of my grandma in a congo line!) I mean, what the hell? This is your average online diary.
CAUSE OF DEATH: Overdose of Boringoxide and Lame-ation.
BLOG2 is an effort to advertise ones own accomplishments/services. For example, people on Networking sites - like Bebo, for example - announce their profile skins so more will use them. Never mind that it has NO effect WHATSOEVER on YOUR page... and actually can be quite annoying.
CAUSE OF DEATH: Serverly irratating (rash?).
BLOG2 is a whole mish-mash of symbols spelling out 'KORN' or 'I LOVE CHICKEN' or 'NOTE TO SELF: PICK UP MILK'. Alternatively, they could be symbol-versoins of the above mentioned cat and conga-lining grandma.
CAUSE OF DEATH: I needn't have to explain. Enough.
BLOG3 appears to be a collection of jokes, one entry after another.Never mind that some are lame. Too lame. Or that the riddles suck. You occasionally get a gold nugget among all the chicken ones.
CAUSE OF DEATH: You can't spend chicken nuggets, and too many of them are. *sigh*
BLOG4. Now this is more interesting. Light humour and friendly conversational build - if you are the type to have an actual, face-to-face conversation - without all the 'ums' and 'ers'. Or as many. Jokes not entirely riddled with horrendous puns, if you have a good sense of humour you can truly enjoy it. Downside is that it's usually very long, so most people never partake in its... richness, its freshness (it's allowed to border on mildly eccentric).
CAUSE OF DEATH: Illiterate Scrooge and his gang of slow-reading school-dropouts.
BLOG5 - a way of announcing without necessarily advertising. This is more common in Unions, Communities, Groups and Bands than individual profiles. It lets Members know of upcoming events.
CAUSE OF DEATH: Jealous BLOG2, with the candlestick, in the Conservatory.
BLOG6 - Listing a whole bunch of radom, off-topic, unrelated objects (for example, how many words you can make out the words 'I THINK I'M A TEAPOT' or whatever. I've yet to see one of these, but they're probably out there somewhere. Actually, I DID see a list of games to get, so...
CAUSE OF DEATH: Shot by an insane amount of bullet(point)s.
BLOG7 is posted by the blogger who thinks they may be the next J K Rowling or J R R Tolkein or Windfeild Windgrass... or something. The idea is that they post their blogs as stories and (shudder) 'interpretive poems'. They write long long posts, with no purpose, a lack of punctuation (especially the fabled 'full-stop' or 'period', and often the sorely missed 'speech marks'... SPEECH MARKS PEOPLE!!!!!).
CAUSE OF DEATH: Lack of punctutaion caused me to go homicidal. The rest is in the case notes.
Oh yes. I do think, of all, I am the long, slog-through-it, could-it-be-worth-it BLOG4.
What BLOG are you?