Anyone who knows me, RELLY knows me, would know that of the (very) few Pc games I own, Zoo Tycoon - Complete Collection (the ORIGINAL) is my favourite. However because Zoo Tycoon 2 came out not long after, there weren't really any great updates for it, and trying to find new animals and buildings to work with proved nigh impossible.
But now I am happy! I found Zoo Tek Phoenix, which specialises in user-made downloads of all sorts of stuff for the original! Plus, now, some things are provided for the second aswell, though I'm not interested in those.
So now, I hAVE DRAGONSSSS!!!!!! Yesssss!!!! And waterfalls, which is great! And I'm going back to find the 'invisable exhibet' fence that is referred to, so you can have IMVISIBLE fances or use in conjunction with decorative fences (Animals can escape decorated fences as they're only for guests).