Ar Tonelico (had to get mine through Amazon, EB barely lists it now)
We Love Katamari (STARTING to be difficult to find)
Dark Cloud 2 (even at $19.99, not found easily)
Tales Of the Abyss (had to go to 5 different EB's, and only found one copy SANS book and box)
Spartan: Total Warrior (a little tough to find now)
Grim Grimoire (sold out in my area already)
Marvel vs. Capcom 2
Ace Combat Zero: Belkan War
Capcom vs SNK 2 (as hard to find here as MvC2)
Champions: Return to Arms
Colin McRae Rally 3 was rare for awhile, now it's gotten easier to find
BOTH Disgaea's
All the Fatal Frames
Fire Fighter F.D. 18
Shin Megami Tensei (all of 'em)
GTA: San Andreas ORIGINAL version
All the Grandia's
All the Guilty Gears
Klonoa 2 WAS rare, now I'm seeing it everywhere
Shining Tears (STILL haven't found a copy of this one)
Naval Ops/PTO ship-to-ship combat series
Psychonauts was also rare, not now
Ring of Red
Robot Alchemic Drive
Shadow Hearts series starting to get rare
Gitaroo Man
Suikoden V
Virtual On Marz
Warhammer 40,000: Fire Warrior
Wizardry: Tale of the Forsaken Land (VERY RARE NOW)
NOTE: All these rares were from personal experience obtaining them in my area (with the exception of one or two I'm still missing). Also note that the majority of these are RPG's, which for some reason are being snatched up as soon as they come out in my area.
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