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Dragonlord87 Blog

Super Mario Galaxy 2 Part 2

Well, I will admit, I finally beat one of the toughest Mario games to date. And I thought SMG I was tough. This one takes the cake. The final Galaxy was indeed difficult especially the prankster comet stage but this was a truly worthwhile birthday gift. I definitely love my sister for this!

Super Mario Galaxy 2

Well, my birthday was a complete surprise as my sister would up getting me Super Mario Galaxy 2. After initially playing it for a few days, "life" forced me to put it and video game playing on hold and I was not able to touch it until yesterday. After gluing myself to the Wii and the TV I have been able to achieve some decent progress nearly completing all of the galaxies until World 4. I have to say that the graphics are absolutely stunning with the fine detail that was put into it. The music was very nostalgic as it slowly brought me back to playing some of Mario's earlier games. Even though ti is a sequel, it does bring in some newly innovative features such as new transfomations for Mario, new stages/levels, tougher gameplay than 1, and continued fun. Well, have to head to work now. To be continued...

Final Fantasy

I just recently started playing Final Fantasy and Final Fantasy I&II Dawn of Souls marks my entry into this magnificent series I know, a veteran gamer like myself who has been playing video games since 1989. Really, i never got the privelege of trying it out on the NES since it died out pretty soon for me. So far at the time that i am writing this entry,I am half way through Final Fantasy I and I must say it is rather an interesting entry into the series. The gameplay is rather simple and intriguing despite the fact that the game is rather 20 some odd years old. The music gives the game a nice feel to it, compensating for the lack of a true storyline. The basic idea of this game is to retrieve the four elemental crsytals and save the world from potential darkness. It is very easy to level up in this game with random monster battles that at times can be annoying but very beneficial to your party. There are various job systems and choices of characters and at around the halfway point of the game, your party change classes and become more powerful. Overall it is a great and enjoyable game for me. Can't wait to try Final Fantasy II and the extra stages.