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DOD's Back and i have CANDY

as the title said im back from my smal amount of time offline and have many tales to tell first i got Resident Evil 5 so i might not be back on for abit

also i was playing by great game Ar Tonelico 2 when somthing happen that made me drop a load of bricks in my pants i was at the 70Hour mark in my game from many hours of level grinding and side mini games when i moved on in the game and droped the outer rim of the map without doing all of the smal task befor it so after it was droped i went to see what i needed to do next and it told my to go to Memorie Hill and then this is were the bricks droped becasue i just droped that place with the rest of the rim and i spent about a hour just sitting there looking a the screen because i shut down :lol: well anyway i wne t online becasue i didn't want to beliveve it and it tuned out to be a speeling eror i was really ment to go to Metafalic Hill.......... so yeah that was a really big &%$@ up and now i have to clean my pants...........