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DoD's Top 10 Boss Battles # 3

# 3

Boss Name: Emperor Bulblax

Game: Pikmin

Platform: Gamecube

Times Fought: Once

Location Of Boss Fight: The Final Trail

After Words:

most people who fought this this remember it as this

"thats odd it says the last item is here?. Holy S*** What the F*** is that, oh god it just killed half my guys"

but you where ready the seconed time :P and you got even too. thebigest badess Grub-dog in the pikmin game and the only enemy in the final area. but if you are gonna beat him. you need to get to this level with a minmum of 2 Days left becasue it takes a full day to clear the path to what i like to call "The Arena" the best way to beat him is with yellow pikmin. lucky they included some bombs near him that make things easy when you get the hang of fighting him