Boss Name: Albert Wesker
Game: Resident Evil 5
Platform: PS3/X-Box 360
Times Fought: Three
Location Of Boss Fight: Volcano
After Words:
Albert Weskers Boss Battle in Resident Evil 5 was fun and a challenge. he had quite a few moves that would kill you with one hit and he took alot of time to take down in the game you fight him a total of 3 times, the first time is in the ruins where Chris and Sheva Tag Team Wesker and Jill. next you fight him atop a boat, and finaly the showdown in the Volcano the volcano fight is the one that placed 10th in my top 10. it might not be a fight that makes you feel like you acoplished a whole lot by winning but you do feel pretty bad ass when fighting him. inorder to beat him you need to punch a bolder. after which he will chase you and your partner to a Circle Platu in the volcano where you fight it out for the climaxtic battle of Resident Evil 5, where you kill the seires long Running Badass Villin with two Rockets to the face.
RIP Wesker. you made Sunglasses Cool
its fun to do the last Battle with only a Knife on Pro mode. it adds a fun challenge to the fight. and yes it can be done