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Im Walking On Sunshine oh Oh OH GOD IT BURNS!!!!

hey guys some of you might have noticed i was gone for a few days well i've gone and hert myself again doing the fun things DoD does when hes bord i've injured my big toe in a martial arts insident so now i limp YAY :D

anyways i also beat Ar Tonelico Melody Of Elimia after hours of level grinding since i was firced to stay in my room anyways and i also got Carl my PSP fixed turns out the wireing was just pulled lose :) so its back to 100% okay maybe not that much it has scrtches and stuff so maybe just 89%

i will also be going away around the 27th of this month but i dont know all the details all i know is that im going to NB for about week and the closes computer is a 3 hour walk away from where im starting becasue my famliy lives out in the middle of no where and DoD's not walking 6hours both ways for a few hours of online 8) but i'll tell ya the day im leaving when i find out