Dragy2005 / Member

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Aperture Science in 2d!

I'm posting this quick post to tell you about a game me and my friend made as huge Valve fans. For the last couple of months, we've been working on a game called, yes, expected - Portal: The Flash Version.

The objective was to make a 2d version of Valve's Portal, kind of like Codename Gordon did with HL2. In the day The Orange Box came out - we made it. Yup, in the same day, after weeks of hard work, we successfully released our game.

Portal: The Flash Version includes over 40 challenging, portals thinking levels, which features almost every feature the real game does, in 2d - energy balls, cubes, turrets and even the famous crusher from the trailer! The game also includes a console to mess around with after finishing the game, or just being frustrated by thinking with portals :)

So enough mumbling! here's the game, feedback is more than welcome:

Portal: The Flash Version (NG | AG | Kong)

We Create Stuff

Hope you enjoy our game!
