Hollywood blockbuster season is almost upon us. The coming weeks will see the arrival of some of the biggest and most expensive popcorn films ever made. While they may vary in their appeal, most will have one thing in common: they will spawn a video game which, if the traditional quality trend of movie tie-in games is adhered to, will be middling to poor.
However, one title scheduled for release on May 1 looks set to buck the trend. X-Men Origins: Wolverine will hit video game shops just as cinemagoers flock to their nearest multiplex to watch the corresponding film, which charts the story of Wolverine, played by Hugh Jackman, from his violent childhood to his eventual role within the XMen
The game has benefited from a far longer development period than is usual for a movie tie-in. Raven Software started work on it almost three years ago, before the Wolverine film was even a twinkle in the film studio's eye.
"When we first started work on Wolverine, there were only rumours about a movie," says Dan Vondrak, project leader at Raven. "From our standpoint, this was never a movie game to start with."
Once production on the movie got under way, however, 20th Century Fox naturally wanted some "synergy" to exist between their movie and the game. Given the tumultuous relationship between games and movies, Raven was understandably wary.
"Once we heard they were doing a movie, we kind of shied away from it. We wanted to make sure the vision we had for the character didn't get diluted," says Vondrak. "We'd heard horror stories about making movie games, so we were a little bit nervous going in.
"Basically the arrangement we came to was that, as long as everyone stayed out of our way, we'd be more than happy to work with Fox."
It is quite clear that Raven had very different ideas from Fox about what they wanted to do with the character. The game boasts far more adult content than is on display in the movie trailer, or indeed any of the films in the X-Men franchise, none of which have received a higher rating than a 12A.
The British Board of Film Classification has already given the Wolverine video game an 18 rating and it's not hard to see why. As players progress through the multilayered story, which covers the movie plot and runs tangentially to it, Wolverine eviscerates wave after wave of opponents bloodily and brutally.
While the violence on display might strike casual onlookers as gratuitous, Vondrak insists it is in keeping with the comic book source material.
"If you ever read the Barry Windsor-Smith 'Weapon X' stories [which are the game's inspiration], he's a very feral beast inside that comic. Our aim was to tell that story, before he got domesticated with the X-Men."
He says that Fox was initially a little put off by the game's content, but Raven stayed true to its vision.
"This isn't a watered-down version. We're fans of the character ourselves so we never hesitated and we never compromised. We thought that the bigger and more brutal we could make it, the better."
Ultimately, what probably guarantees the game's success is that studio interference was kept to a minimum.
"We got a script of the movie and it was obviously very different from the script we had for the game," says Vondrak.
"There were some times when Fox told us we might want to take a couple of characters out because they weren't going to be in the movie, and we felt strongly enough to keep them in the game.
"The flow back and forth between our script and theirs worked out really well. The end result is you can't really tell where our story begins and theirs ends."
By controlling the final edit, Raven has created a movie tiein game that could stand as the benchmark in its field. Indeed, it may become the best movie-based game since Rareware's revered take on the James Bond film Goldeneye, which was released in 1997.
Where once they were considered spin-off merchandise, movie tie-in games may soon be as respected and influential as the films they're linked to. One wonders how long it will be before they start having more of an effect on stories than the movies themselves