To those of you playing RuneScape, listen well! If you are doing the Lumbridge/Draynor Achievement Diary, be aware of the task where you need to obtain an Anti-Dragon Shield from Duke Horacio. If you completed the Dragon Slayer quest, but did not ask the Guildmaster about how to protect yourself against dragonbreath attacks, you WILL NOT be able to obtain the Anti-Dragon Shield from Duke Horacio!! If the option to retrieve one is not on there, first, check your bank to make sure you don't have one in there. Next, check out your quest list for Dragon Slayer. If there is a part that says "I need to ask the Guildmaster about how to protect myself against dragonbreath attacks" and it is not crossed out, then you have been trapped in the glitch! If you find out that you have this glitch, please report it to Jagex immediately, because any players who have this glitch WILL NOT be able to complete the Lumbridge/Draynor Achievement Diary!! And that puts certain players who have this glitch at an unfair disadvantage! Be on the lookout for other players who may have this glitch.
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