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Teen Chat Hosts: The official former AOL chat room moderators

There was a time when many AOL chat rooms were moderated by people with special screen names. These people were known as chat hosts. Some people would think that chat hosts were merely auto-bots placed in a chat room to moderate it. These hosts would deny this statement and declare it as false. AOL had once special chat rooms for teenagers. These were the Teen Chat Rooms. These rooms had a cap on how many people could be in those rooms at any given time. They also had certain rules and guidelines, which were enforced by the teen chat hosts. AOL even had a web site for teens known as AOL RED. It featured all the things teens would be interested in. But the teen chat room rules were often broken by many people who came to visit those rooms. These rules also changed from time to time. If a rule was broken, the teen chat host would send a warning message to the rule breaker via the chat room text box. If the rule was severe or broken repeatedly, the host would simply suspend that person's teen chat priviledges for up to 30 minutes. They might even report that person to AOL if they broke a praticularly strict rule. Just about anyone could go into teen chat rooms, as far as I know...That is...Until they changed the guidelines. They (AOL) made it so that only people between ages 13 and 17 could enter the rooms and partake in the chat. They had several rooms with simple names, like bronze, copper, silver, gold, platinum, and even a couple role playing rooms. When the 13-17 rule first came out, anyone stating they were above or below that age limit would be kicked from the room by the chat host. Later on, the host would simply tell that person to leave the room immediately. If they did not comply, the host would suspend that person. AOL Teen Chat Rooms made for role play had a few extra guidelines. For instance: Role Play could not contain anything violent or suggestive. Then one day, the teen chat rooms were closed down and I did not find out about this until later on. Now as far as I know, there are no more AOL chat hosts.