ArmA II: Combined Operations is a game that can serve many purposes. It has AMAZING combat, the greatest vehicle controls I've experienced in a shooter and an overwhelming amount of content and features. Lately, though, the game has more than anything served as my wallpaper generator annex virtual photography room. Because apart from indescribibly deep, unrefined gameplay, ArmA II has some truly amazing maps. Below you can see some of the pictures I took while walking through the 225 square kilometre large Chernarus map, which was modelled after a Czech mountain region. If you want to see all of my wallpaper-worthy pics, simply go to my Photobucket account and click on the album "De Wereld van Arma 2".
Oh, and in advance I'd like to warn you that my Photobucket account's bandwidth might expire, so if you can't view the pictures anymore, just go to the link I just gave you. :)