As some of you might have noticed, I haven't written a lot of reviews in the past few months, focusing instead on my blog and of course the usual irl things that require attention. Seeing as my holiday lasts for another week, though, I deemed it an excellent opportunity to catch up with the review writing again. The two games I reviewed are vastly different in nature. One is an indie first person beat 'em up, while the other is a big budget arcade racer. What both games have in common, though, is that I found them both to be quite enjoyable, although which one that is, is something you can find out for yourself:
Click on one of the two box arts to read my review for that game, Zeno Clash and Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit respectively. Unfortunately, I am not very satisfied with my Hot Pursuit review, as it lacks much of the fancy writing that characterised some of my previous reviews (yes, I'm allowed to give myself a compliment from time to time), and it's just not as well structured as I had intended it to be. Nevertheless, I hope you find both of these reviews useful and entertaining.
As an added bonus, I recorded a gameplay video of an entire race of Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit. Unfortunately, it was too big in size for it to be uploaded on this site, so you can watch it instead through my XFire profile: