I don't get why the rating from Gamespot for Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2 is so low. It's high and all but it's not high enough. Kingdom Hearts' rating is 8.2 and Kingdom Hearts 2's rating is 8.7 but I think it should be in the 9's. The scores would be better as 9.2 and 9.7.
All the fans agree. Kingdom Hearts is one of the best game series ever. It has an awesome story line, fantastic characters with fantastic clothing/design, fun game play that you could play for hours, great Protagonists and Antagonists with great relationships/connections, creative monsters/bosses, and a comeback for more all around look to it. On Fanfiction.net, many people including me, have written fanfics/fan stories for Kingdom Hearts and lots of them are awesome reads.
All I am trying to say here. is that Kingdom Hearts needs be recognized for it's really greatest, not underrated/under appreciated. Kingdom Hearts is a great series that I would recognize. 8's is a good score and all, they didn't underrate it that much, but Kingdom Hearts Fans and I would rather it be an Editor's Choice.
Thank you for reading my rant. I just had to get that off of my chest. I was surprised when I saw the Gamespot rating, that's all. And I saw games with 9's that are un-unique/un-creative like racing and sports games. Those games are overrated.
Drayomi ;)