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Dream-Ruki Blog

*raisen from the dead*

Huh? Who is this? Could this be the girl I friended a LOOOOONG time ago but she never updates, nor comment in my blog?

Indeed, it is.

Haha, I know. I keep coming back from out of nowhere. But it's not only this place. I'm never deticated to any website. (Except Livejournal. Maybe)

So, how's everyone? Any drama I missed?

As for me, nothing but school. And I recently started to browse fourchan And my mind has been ruined since. I don't go on /b/, but any board will just... AUGUHGSHGJKHsdkhbgkshgh ;__;

I'll try to stay on. At least for a week. I'LL TRY.

btw, does anyone have a LJ? 8D

Spidey 3?

Anyone gonna see it?

 I'm going to see it on Saturday~ 8D

 I can't wait! I'm such a comic book nerd, a Spiderman geek. He's my favorite superhero~



/inner geek

BTW, any have any good RPGs to recommend?

 Or possibly a Halo clone for the PS2?

I'm slowly casting away from video games.

I sold my Xbox for a PSP and I totally regret it. I miss my Xbox D':


My first AMV! ^_^ Opinions?

My first AMV evar. It's KH2, and it contain spoilers.

Instead of studying, I finally decided to make a AMV on Windows Movie Maker. I had no idea what I was doing xD

Give it a chance, hm?

Please? *hands free internet cookies* :3

If you could, please comment on youtube. Or you can comment here, it don't matter.

But what are your opinions? And be truthful! I want to get better if I ever make another one D:

I was SCARED out of my mind...

Oh my god. My heart is like, beating out of my chest right now...

It was around 10 o' clock at night. My sister and I was home alone, and my mother was at work doing night-shift.

I was on my laptop, looking at the Power Stone anime (I didn't know it had one!) and someone was knocking on the door. I decided to ignore it, and continued on with my bussiness. The person knocked again. I ignored, and the person kept on knocking.

I was a little worried so I told my sister (who is younger than me xD). She was shocked too, so we both made to the door slowly. I stopped at the kicthen and told my sis to see who it is by looking through the peek hole (what a sis I am, huh?). She told me that someone was covering it with thier finger.

Now I was freaking out.

The person continued to knock, harder and harder, and was ringing the door bell as well. I heart was just beating, hard and fast... I was scared!

After a while, my sister looked through the peek hole, and it was a police officer!!

What the heck!?

My sister called my mother, and told her there was a policeman in front of our door. (Just recently, my mom told me there are fake policemen, turning out to be killers) I called my mother, and she called the police. (We were both wtf-ing about this.)

After about 30 minutes or so, he finally left. My mother called and said it was a mistake. It turns out that  the last owner of the condo was on probation after robbing a Basket-Robins store, and he gave the police this address.

In the end, everything was at peace. I was just scared out of my mind. I was thinking that he would shoot bullets through the door, or coming to our balcony. I'm glad we live on the second floor. I was just thinking that it was a fake police officer... oh goodness...

Now it's 2:17 am. I can not sleep. -___- Still kinda freaked out. Sorry if there's any errors, or some things that don't make since. ^_^;;;

Oh, btw, if you have a PS2, and a PS2 harddrive (or planning to get one) and you rent games (Like I do!) I have something to tell you! But you have to message me! It something really cool.

I would say it have something to do with burning...

Twilight Princess FTW. :D

So I got $60 yesterday.

And I decided to go to the mall and spend it on... whatever. So I took the bus over there, arrive, and see a EB games store. Surely, there MUST be something there I can spend my money on!

So I look around, searching for Action Replay MAX of my gamecube or PS2. And in the Gamecube section... there it was...


My face was leik, WHOA. The game I wanted since it came out, LoZ! The game gamefly DOES NOT want to send me.

I quickly take it and buy it.

And the clerk was all leik, "Wanna buy the quide with it? 25% off!"

Game + Guide = 71 flippin dollars.

Game only PLZ.

I spend 6 hours already playing it. But I stopped when I died.


But, the game, ROX.

*looks for spoiler-free guides on gamespot*


Is it el-oh-el, or loool?

My friend and I have been talking about this.

Is "lol" pronouced EL-OH-EL?

Because I say it as "LOOOL"

It's not important, I know, but I REALLY need to know! D:

Btw, I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year. I was sick throughout (had the flu) and it kinda sucked.


So, anyone wanna tell me what they gotten? :D

I have the urge to start drinking...

I dunno why. I just do.

I know all of the bad things and what it can do with your body...

But I still just wanna start. Maybe just tasting it, not getting myself wasted or anything like that.

Maybe it's peer preasure. (And the fact that most of my friends and my mom drink.)

Whatever it IS, it's really urging me to do it. I'm pretty sure it's nasty anyway.



P.S.   I'm 15.

EDIT: Thanks peoples. Well, that urge has gone away, thankfully. You've been really helpful! ^__^ And plus we watched a video of it class... ugh, so sad.  -__- nd grusome. But again, thanks everyone! xD


It was coming xDD


I went to school today. *sigh*

I'll try to summarize, I don't want it to be too long... x_X


First period, English 2. Of course, there that's "introduce yourself in front of the class" thing. But this time, we interview someone, the person next to you. ( I was relived cuz I hate to stand up and tell my name, age whatever I like to do.) She handed at peice of paper with 5 questions.


2 Adj that describe you

dream car

what you want to excel at.

and last book you read

OKay. I told her my name. Then she said the two adj. I thought to myself, 'Be yourself. Dude, you can DO IT.' And I answered, "DORKY AND RANDOM." She laughed. xD Then dream car. ftw I don;t have one... so I said a 2003 Lexus xD;;;
And blah blah. Then the last book I read. I haven't read a book since school ended! So I just answered "Death Note manga?" o_O (not a book I know, but last thing I read >__> )

Then my second class, PE. Nothin happened

Then break. I walked out of gym, and A WHOLE CRAP of people just buched up together! (It's my first time at the public high school .__. ) I didn't have trouble finding my locker, thank gawd. And instead of enjoying my 15 minute break, I descided to look for my other class. IT TOOK ME, that WHOLE fifteen minutes, to look, and still, I couldn't my history class. Then I walked through a door, I assume it's a short cut becuase this lady said, "You're not supossed to be here, little girl."


But I brushed it off, and asked her where is the class. (Now, at that time, i didn;t know SHE WAS MY TEACHER.) She lead me through the short cut and through a class (which was mine) Then she stopped at another hallway. Now, being the DUMBASS THAT I R, I walked into another class, assuming THAT was my class. But it was WORLD history, not U.S history. Anyway, I stayed there for a while and I thought to myself, "Huh. Wrong class maybe?" I walked up to the teacher, and asked her, and was liek, "yeah." I was liek, "wtf."

So I walked back into the other classroom, and the teacher was like, "You were in the right class." I said, "Oh... sorry."

"It's okay."


Then biology. I was late, and it seemed like everyone was in the class. I walked in, and it was DEAD SILENT. Everyone was looking at me, including the teacher. I was liek, **** Plus, there was NO seats, so I stood like a retard Until I found one in the back. OSANTUARY. Then there was a activity. Draw one of the intructions. Okay, no big. In groups? OMETOSHY. So I sat there was everyone was finding partners. And a waited... and waited... until a boy asked me, "Wanna join?" "Oh... sure." I sat there. (It was ALL boyz!) I wated to draw, but someone else was. *sigh* oh well. I wanted to draw chibi Edo on fire ;_____;

Then lunch. I looked FOREVER where they served it. Then I finally gave up lookin for it. And I FINALLY FOUND IT. BUUUT. It was five minutes until it was over. I wanted to cry. I was really hungry.

Health I was late cuz it was WAY ON TEH OTHER SIDE. And again, no seats, teacher and students staring like I was some kind of alien. o___o

Then math.

That's the summary. I didn;t want to tell the "forgien Asain insident" cuz that would have made it longer. -____-U


I was late for like 5 classes.



And no friends ;___; I talked to like, 2 people. But that's it. ARGH. Why can't I be SOCIAL!!

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