It was coming xDD
TT_____TTI went to school today. *sigh*
I'll try to summarize, I don't want it to be too long... x_X
First period, English 2. Of course, there that's "introduce yourself in front of the class" thing. But this time, we interview someone, the person next to you. ( I was relived cuz I hate to stand up and tell my name, age whatever I like to do.) She handed at peice of paper with 5 questions.
2 Adj that describe you
dream car
what you want to excel at.
and last book you read
OKay. I told her my name. Then she said the two adj. I thought to myself, 'Be yourself. Dude, you can DO IT.' And I answered, "DORKY AND RANDOM." She laughed. xD Then dream car. ftw I don;t have one... so I said a 2003 Lexus xD;;;
And blah blah. Then the last book I read. I haven't read a book since school ended! So I just answered "Death Note manga?" o_O (not a book I know, but last thing I read >__> )
Then my second class, PE. Nothin happened
Then break. I walked out of gym, and A WHOLE CRAP of people just buched up together! (It's my first time at the public high school .__. ) I didn't have trouble finding my locker, thank gawd. And instead of enjoying my 15 minute break, I descided to look for my other class. IT TOOK ME, that WHOLE fifteen minutes, to look, and still, I couldn't my history class. Then I walked through a door, I assume it's a short cut becuase this lady said, "You're not supossed to be here, little girl."
But I brushed it off, and asked her where is the class. (Now, at that time, i didn;t know SHE WAS MY TEACHER.) She lead me through the short cut and through a class (which was mine) Then she stopped at another hallway. Now, being the DUMBASS THAT I R, I walked into another class, assuming THAT was my class. But it was WORLD history, not U.S history. Anyway, I stayed there for a while and I thought to myself, "Huh. Wrong class maybe?" I walked up to the teacher, and asked her, and was liek, "yeah." I was liek, "wtf."
So I walked back into the other classroom, and the teacher was like, "You were in the right class." I said, "Oh... sorry."
"It's okay."
Then biology. I was late, and it seemed like everyone was in the class. I walked in, and it was DEAD SILENT. Everyone was looking at me, including the teacher. I was liek, **** Plus, there was NO seats, so I stood like a retard Until I found one in the back. OSANTUARY. Then there was a activity. Draw one of the intructions. Okay, no big. In groups? OMETOSHY. So I sat there was everyone was finding partners. And a waited... and waited... until a boy asked me, "Wanna join?" "Oh... sure." I sat there. (It was ALL boyz!) I wated to draw, but someone else was. *sigh* oh well. I wanted to draw chibi Edo on fire ;_____;
Then lunch. I looked FOREVER where they served it. Then I finally gave up lookin for it. And I FINALLY FOUND IT. BUUUT. It was five minutes until it was over. I wanted to cry. I was really hungry.
Health I was late cuz it was WAY ON TEH OTHER SIDE. And again, no seats, teacher and students staring like I was some kind of alien. o___o
Then math.
That's the summary. I didn;t want to tell the "forgien Asain insident" cuz that would have made it longer. -____-U
I was late for like 5 classes.
And no friends ;___; I talked to like, 2 people. But that's it. ARGH. Why can't I be SOCIAL!!