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DreaminaReality Blog

Another sleepless night. Woot!

Hmm...well today was defintlly an intresting day. Well my friend got extremly drunk. I had to walk him home and I told him that Ill be back in 20 mins because I have to get home to tell my parents where I am and all. So I come back about 20 minutes later and hes still trying to open his door. So I finally open it for him. Well he was just falling everywhere and couldnt even function. Pretty funny stuff.

So later on I went home. I'm already aware of the fact that my parents are getting a divorice. So I start talking to my mom and ive been suspecting that shes been seeing some other guy. So I told her shes hiding something. She told me that she cant tell me yet because its a secret. So I told her what I knew. So she pretty much told me that she is seeing someone else. That pissed me off completly. But obviously I cant say a word to my dad.

Now my councling center has the power to send me away for a whole entire year....well first 28 days than if I still dont improve its a year.

Theirs way to much on my back and I hate it.

Bordom leads to this.

The other day I was driving down the mean streets of Alabama with Jesus looking for acid. We were smoking blunt after blunt. Jesus snorted some cocain a little earlier in the day. We were hoping that wouldn't cancel out the acid trip for him. Well we somehow managed to find a hippy. Jesus kicked the crap out of him and we just ran off with all his acid.

Jesus had a whole entire blotter.
It started to rain.
He felt the acid.

Im a failure at life. Hooray!

Something is terribly wrong with me.

Bordom leads to alot of thinking. I came to the realization that im really good at messing things up for myself. Why?...because I've just been like that since I can remember. It's not even something I can control.

I like infected mushroom....alot.

I'm moving to wonderland. A place with a chesire cat and no worrys.


Bad luck

Well it was raining about a hour ago. I decided I would go play my PS2. when I got to my room my PS2 was extremly wet which is when I realized I left my window open. I dryed my PS2. I wanted to see if it still works. It only lets me check the browser menu. When I tell it to play a game it just turns black and goes back to the browser menu.

6/22=Friday the 13th in Rachel's world.

Theirs a pink kangeroo in my kitchen

Ok well today was a wierd day. I hate the fact that so many things are always in my way. Why cant people just live their life the way they want to instead of having people try and tell them whats right and wrong yet when you try to argue with them they come up with the stupidest answer. I hate it when people actually think they know whats good for you.

You live once so why not enjoy your life the way you want to? Well im gonna start changing. Im just not gonna care about what anyone thinks. I'm going to be just me and if someone doesnt like it then screw them. I don't have try to be someone im not.

Girraffe on the roof.

The moose stands alone.

Update on my life. Hmm... Well yesterday was a little crazy. A friend who was and still is in the hospital for attempting suicide got a pass out of it for a few hours yesterday. I dont know I guess the hospital just made him crazier. But him and his parents went to shoprite and he told his mom hes going to the candy isle. Instead he runs to my house. (About a mile away and hes not even alowd to see me because im somehow reasponsible for all his actions).

Well so he rang my bell and I was really suprised to see him. He told me what he did so I told him he should call his parents. So I finally talked him into calling his dad. Then finally it hit him what he just did. So his parents pick him up from my house. Then of course they blame me for him coming to my house. Then his dad said im going to report you to the police. Yet he cant...because he'll just be getting himself in trouble. Crazy morons...

I never even wanted anything to do with that.

Well today my sister visited. She told me something very big about her. Then I told her something about me. She swore she wouldn't say anything. But now I regret ever telling her because it has to with her best friend me and this guy. So now it just wont stop bothering me that she knows. I gotta start thinking before I start talking.

Tomorrow I have some stupid rehab thing at 8. It's part of my probation. This is going to be my first time going. Hope it isn't as bad as I think its going to be...


Thought I would do some pranking.

Well as of now im on probation for 2 months. Evil cops. Well thought I would do some pranking.

I'm lilkibblebits.

x1reivax: hello
lilkibblesbits: Hiya
x1reivax: whats goin on
lilkibblesbits: Not MuCh Jusss CheeLin
lilkibblesbits: YoU?
x1reivax: same
x1reivax: so whats ur name
lilkibblesbits: GeOrGe?
x1reivax: ?
lilkibblesbits: Im A LIITle DriNk...I KNoW I Metters yoU aT a CluBBErS buh I drRUkn at tHE moMent
x1reivax: right
x1reivax: so whats ur name
lilkibblesbits: DIet CokeE I LiKErs Mah CoCain To be Diet
x1reivax: whats your name
lilkibblesbits: MaH NAmerS?
lilkibblesbits: MY mMOm NEveR TOLd mE
lilkibblesbits: OH YEHA!
lilkibblesbits: I knowz now
lilkibblesbits: WOahhhh HeAd RUshHErs
lilkibblesbits: MaRIA?
x1reivax: i know who u are

lilkibblesbits: RulLy?
lilkibblesbits: Whozers?
x1reivax: so all ima do now is take u off my list...and u wont be like who is this or actin like u dont know so later
lilkibblesbits: WhAtz I do? WHy yoU aCt Lyk dis?
x1reivax: well for one....u cant say who u are..two...u nver online..
x1reivax: so
lilkibblesbits: I PARty AlOTeRS
x1reivax: so
lilkibblesbits: I nEveRz On CUz I pPARty
lilkibblesbits: OrrrRS ImM WITh mY moOM I lOVE My moM
x1reivax: ok
x1reivax: well till u tell me who u are...and what u looklike later
lilkibblesbits: OmigAHHH I HUVS a PiCTUre
x1reivax: ok
x1reivax: i havent seen it
lilkibblesbits: WaANTz tOO c ITz?
x1reivax: i guess
x1reivax: to know who u are for one
lilkibblesbits: Okayerz
lilkibblesbits: HoldeRz OnZ...I'M GonNA GEtz iT
x1reivax: funny
x1reivax: later
x1reivax direct connection is closed.
lilkibblesbits: WaItz YoU dUn Tink I pURty?
x1reivax: cuz that aint you
x1reivax: so ...
x1reivax: bye.........
lilkibblesbits: No0o0o Itz me
lilkibblesbits: O0oh YoU PrObablY tinK Im To Hawt? AyE? AYe?

Hmm...yeah I could've done better.

More annoiying complaints

It seems my friends are slowley drifting away. I don't know whats wrong with me. I get all wierd around people which is not in my control. I've been very confused about alot latley. No one can really understand where im coming from though. I feel like such a loser. Life seems to be losing more and more meaning to it each day. The world is so fckd up. People are so fukd up. Everythings fukd up. I don't understand why we were put on this Earth. Humans are no good. They destroyed the beauty.

Life can be wonderful once people start looking past all the media and the bull that school teaches. Instead of being told what to think...think for yourself.

I'm just sick of it all. I can't take anymore of this. I hate like sounding like such a whiney b**** but its the way I feel at the moment.

Friends dont last. Family will never understand. All you have in life is yourself. I'm not relying on people any longer. Theirs very few good people out their and those of course are exceptions.

I have so many things going through my mind right now that I cant even put in words.

I need a break from life.

Well...As for games...I've gotten GT3(I know its way to late but whatever),Balders gate dark alliance and medal of honor.

Oh and I got gamespot complete last sunday. I filled with happiness.

The Revenge of the Turkeys.

Yesterday was a half a day in my school due to parents teacher confrensess (I cant spell) that my parents had no clue about. It's fun having idiots for parents. Well their was a temporary blackout in that neighborhood because somehow a turkey got into the electrical system. Latley theirs been alot of wild turkeys everywhere and I have no clue where they came and no one ever told me. I was walking home from my freinds house before and a whole group of turkeys were crossing the street.

One day turkeys are going to rule the world and get revenge on us evil humans.

Um...well I beat NFSU2. Now I have no good games to play. Their eaither beat or they suck.

This morning I realized that I have a libary book about a year over due. I never even read it...

Thats my friend. Hes hot. Mmm hmm.

Now all I can say is Moose. Just moose.


I'm sick and tired of everything. Not sure what I want to do anymore. Things arent the way they used to be. It seems no one can help. Im sorda messed up in a way and I cant fix it. To many people are telling me Im a messed up kid and all. Guess I am. Drugs have consumed my life. Friends are slowley drifting away. My parents have lost all trust in me.

My mom words-"Your dad wanted to have an abortion when you were in my stomach I kept telling him no but now I wish I did"

Loving family.

I cant stand anyone or anything anymore. Why the hell am I writing this in gamespot?

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