Alright, time to do a little venting onto Sony in particular in this blog. My distress lies with the controller design of the new "PS3 controller."
WTF... alright I don't want to sound like a total knit pick here, but I mean c'mon!! this is suppose to be the next best thing of "next-gen gaming" and all we get is a second-rate rehashed Dualshock?!
What happend to the sleek and sexy design style that Sony was once famous for? Everything from TVs, DVD players, Walkman, VAIOs, right down to the PS2 are all the pinnacle of Sony's awesome industrial design team. I hate to say it but even the PS3's design itself is a bit questionable.
Ok, I can understand Sony if they want to go with the same design style for the new controller because it will be familiar to 100% of the gaming population from day 1.. but I mean c'mon what happened to the "welcome change" modo or the "batarang" conceptual design??? Did you just give up, Sony?
I understand there must have been tons of negative feedback on the banana design, but that doesn't mean you should just give up and revert back to the same old Dualshock shell. Put some effort into the damn thing and design it how the people want it. Give it some pezzaz, something that looks and feels different and next-gen. Maybe even give it a new means of control other then 12 buttons and 2 analog sticks. Sure the motion sensing is nice, but probably won't be a huge benefactor for most games if used at all.
To be honest, I love the Dualshock layout how it is, and am okay with the PS3 using it, but just wish Sony would give it a little more of a next-gen look. For example, it would look more modern if they kept the clear-face /OX[_] buttons that the batarang and PSP sport.