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Stop Stupidity..Kill yourself.

Happy Halloween everyone. As everyone is out enjoying another lovely corporate holiday extravaganza I have noticed that this year this month in particular there were were a myriad of decent releases..Borderlands being the game that has impressed me the most so far. Though like many shooter games even those with RPG elements I could not help but wonder how saturated with 12-14 yr olds this game was filled with online..I thought to myself with the quirky sense of humour, random displays of violence and mature content...WTF is a kid doing playing this gem of a game. I am very much against censorship in most forms I however believe in responsible parenting and perhaps this is a reason people are growing stupider and stupider as each generation commences..I mean I was playing with my lvl 50 soldier in a random lobby and a 12 yr old kid and his buddies were talking about double teaming a chick...I had to leave cause I was very very slightly disturbed and felt weird playing xbl with a bunch of children trying to act like adults...12..at 12 I remember that girls didn't have cooties...and that Ninja Turtles was still the best cartoon ever..I guess any kid from the 80's would remember that fondly..but when you're 12 and talking about gangbanging some 6th grader..it's disturbing as hell to me. This world needs therapy and by therapy I mean the proverbial cosmic shotgun to the face. HAPPY HALLOWEEN!

Snap your Fingers, Snap your neck.

So I own Batman and fell in love with it..but alas I got bit by the WoW bug and I sorta relapsed into playing it hardcore that is until my ex gf and her friends *since I don't think I can spout random expletives on GS* started stalking me on WoW.
You'd think people would have a life. In other gaming related things Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 was almost a total letdown if it wasn't for Deadpool, and Need for Speed Shift was very interesting for 10 minutes. Wet I haven't even opened yet and I am afraid to because I bought it on drunken impulse..and when I am drunk I impulse buy.
Like if I get drunk when MW2 comes out I'll buy the 250gb 360 just because I can.
So I have to curb my snapping necks impulses because back to the topic of stalkers and WoW losers who have nothing better to do than to PVP someone 50+ levels lower than you. I despise people who for no reason except for sheer malevolence camp other players, or teabag them in Halo or whatever..I never found the appeal in it I mean I am competitive and a hardcore trash talker but still I never go that extra step to purposely make someones gaming miserable..it's expected from a 12 yr old but not so much from a 24 yr old which I find laughable because that's the closest some of these people will get to ever beating me physically or in the real world...World of Warcraft *rolls eyes*

The Tyranny of the inevitable.

Well it's that time of the year again, Fall Schedule and I am glad I am back from Iraq just in time to get all the good games before I head back out to Afghanistan.

Though it's quite inevitable that many of these years overhyped games are going to fail there own PR machine.
For the few games I actually look forward too I hope they aren't the ones who succumb to that fate.
In all the years of gaming there is only a handful of games that changed my life.
Mechwarrior 2, Diablo, Baldurs Gate Saga, and Street Fighter II.
There hasn't been a truly life changing game out in the market for quite some time and like the great conquerors of the past, it's slowly just an annal in history...which is unfortunate for the new generation.
However here is a toast to those days..with some old school Black Metal and a shot of vodka.

"What is the terror of death, to die our work incomplete."
"What is the joy of life? To die knowing the task is done."