@electrichobo99 Forza has always been an exclusive. Not all games are upscaled 720p, only those with an awful engine. The new consoles are similar only in GPU and CPU family, kernels and APIs are different, memory controller and internal logics are different. I don't think all the numbers PS4 sports above XONE will be so determining or appreciable. Those are synthetic benchmarks, if your into PC hardware you know that doesn't matter at all. At the end of the day what matters more than having fun? I have a 4000 euros gaming rig, I got a used 360 to play FM4 and I got yesterday a Wii to play Just Dance 2014. Fun is not measured in graphics prowess and FLOPS, it only makes ignorants talk to start consolle wars. Example: No Crysis lasted over 6 hours campaign, once finished I abandoned it, Half-Life 2 lasted 5 hours and I finished it twenty times maybe both on PC and Xbox. Borderlands 2: 60 hours of gameplay with no DLC the first run and I have almost the same played time as Skyrim and Counter-Strike. Back in the days of PSX I had Tekken 3 which counted more than 25,000 played games in total, no wonder I've done some tournaments :D
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