Prepare for the coming of mass entertainment kiddies, crack open the piggy banks and cease buying useless junk because the games are coming!! 8) Just heard about this Halo tourney at my local Gamestop where kids will be playing Halo2 all out deathmatch, last man standing wins a copy of Halo3. Sounds cool... but knowing my luck I'd end up going against a bunch of snot nose punks who already play that old game constantly and besides... I have to work.
On a positive note, I have the game reserved and it will be gotten no matter what, so winning a free copy would be awesome, but I rather earn my keep thru real life skills. Which leads to my recent success story of the boy that went from rags to riches. Seems that since I got that new promotion, everything has been falling into place oh so nicely for me. With a little extra cash coming in now, I might actually find a way out of the money hole by years end and from there... finally move to a new area!
Don't get me wrong, I love the area I've been in for the last few years, but in all respects... the place has gone to sh!t :(
Its like being the only sports fan in the room wearing the jersey to the horribly losing team. I can't stand some of the people and trash that has been taking over my old neighborhood and with all my friends and family basically gone, I really don't have any excuse to hang around now. Yea, I might have a nice deal on what I'm paying for, but if I have to cough up a little extra to be in a area that I don't mind leaving windows open during the day.... then so be it!
Other than RL nonsense :roll: how bout those games I was blabbering about! Just got Eternal Sonata and yes, I'm very excited to finally have a RPG to keep me busy. Blue Dragon came out first, but nothing about that game really grabbed me like ES or at least its smooth battle system. Action games have to flow and feel easy to navigate so that way when you perform cool stuff on the screen you don't bore easily nor scream in frusteration. As for RPG's, its a must for me to find enjoyment in the battle system. With so many fiction fans raving about Final Fantasy, classics that did everything right like Grandia slips between the cracks. Which is a shame, because all this next-gen labeling seems pretty silly to me when I don't see much except shiny crap doing the same lame stuff from games years ago.
I read another G-spotter's blog where they said it best... I'm simply tired of shooting stuff. Yea, the Call of Duty4 beta is hot stuff, even with a measly 3 maps to mix on. Gears had that new stuff made free, but that game just doesn't do it for me any more. I was slowly inching my way to playing thru Splinter Cell, but thats back on the shelf. Command and Conquer3 is still mocking me for the sissy tantrum I threw last time I was "trying" to play perfect... all in all, even if ES doesn't blow me away it will serve its purpose just right until Halo3 releases. Since thats only a few days away, I'll wrap this jargin up with a friendly reminder... any 360 game that is a new release and it doesn't go for the usual 60 bucks... its a good chance its not even worth renting ;)