With the 7th year of 2000 barely behind us, already gamers across the land consider it the best year of gaming EVER! Many folks who rejoice in the act of spite and cynicism on a regular basis just don't understand... how could so many praise big name companies such as Nintendo for making such a major splash with simple gizmo's like the Wii and DS? How does Microsoft continue to maintain large sums of fans and supporters even with faulty manufacturing and sketchy customer support? And don't forget Sony, who manages a monstrous foothold on a industry that simply waits for their next tidal wave of success. How do paying customers explain such a gripping spell that reels them back into electronic outlets time and time again spending more and more money on product that many nay-sayers claim as "nothing new"?!
Explanation not necessary ;)
As I see it, hardcore gamers and even the new batch of people who fancy videogames as a wonderful recreation, don't need to waste any breath or energy convincing a single nay-sayer. I would argue 2007 being the "best" year of gaming, but historically it has been a defining year for the industry as a whole.
My praise of the gaming industry may come off as a mixed vibe to others who are quick to slap a perfect 10 on stellar titles, but thats only because I've seen AND played my fair share of Mario's. Like the critics who bash on videogame jounalist, the strange science of being too critical or too lenient about how to speak and defend the process of creating, producing, and marketing a videogame has never been exact. Some critics are harsh and see no room for error while many others are willing to excuse a few too many blunders. In my eyes, after years of experiencing great digital adventures and indulging in excellently made techonology for decent prices, not many gamers have the right to complain. Critique, compare, criticize, hell you can build a cult around something for all I care, but to complain is not very cl@ssy as a consumer of interactive art.
:shock: HOW DARE HE?!
Yea, I can imagine the nerve of me... someone who hates spending money on garbage just as much as you, saying its wrong to complain. Moral of the story is, can you do any better? Childish retorting isn't my big riposte, but expressing the frusteration of creating something for public appeal is no easy feat. As a side note, I've been involved in artistic expression in numerous forms a majority of my life, and not one is easier than the other. Beyond my silly sob story, I see really good stuff go under the rader all the time while sub-par content seems to always find a way to thrive. This doesn't always happen in videogames, especially now a days with so much scrutinizing coverage constantly following developers and projects from day one. But it happens.
I don't propose any extravagant ideas in how gamers across the globe should feel or act towards game developers and manufacturers, especially ones who blatantly cut us short with half-@ss content for increasingly larger prices. I say (in the most nonchalant manner possible) take a moment to appreciate what we have instead of what we expect for our 21st century dollar. Money doesn't grow on tree's, nor does self imposed grief over bad games. With so much variety in the gaming world ranging from PC applications to cell phones and everything inbetween, I find it very difficult to understand people who simply enjoy NOTHING! With that in mind, I figure what better way to ice my cake of rambling madness than to pick on some titles that really stood out in 2007. Even better, let me deem these games Genre Defining (for extra spice) hailing from everyone's favorite camp, Microsoft :P
FPS genre - Halo3
Compared to the many other shooters who graced our keyboards and controllers this closing year, fans and haters alike felt this game didn't deserve ANY of the magically conjured hype that millions afforded it. Closing the final chapter in a 3 part story, pefecting its online multiplayer, and showcasing features and gameplay that is now quietly known as the standard for any shooter that functions. Disliking this game is a tall order.
What drives me insane about this game is not the Halo universe or its rabid fans who play until their hands ache. Its the imaginary hype train everyone created as a target to simply... hate. No doubt, with the millions of dollars invested into commercials, ads, collectibles, and just about every other thing Master Chief could be slapped on did its job fairly well... gain your attention. Do you feel violated? I hope so, because thats called great marketing!!
The whole joy of entertainment is partly curiousity, and if we knew everything we liked without sampling, I suggest living like a ostrich then. My personal gripes are with the online community and arcadey gameplay. Shooting a dude in the face numerous times and watching him slaughter your whole team is not a easy pill to swallow. Yet, the game is so well made overall millions play consistently drooling for the next sci-fi battle to erupt. 10 years from now, a shooter will be equally hyped and played by millions and everyone will question how it stands to something like Halo... a GDG
RPG genre - Mass Effect
Another gem in the rough hidden by constant scrutiny, susprisingly by gamers who claim to be "hardcore" fans of the role-playing genre. I won't dive too deep into the nonsense, but I will say this is a must play game for any fan of videogames in general. Nobody said you have to sacrifice your first born to enjoy it, but the least you can do is watch a friend play a solid hour and realize just how much work went into this entire game from start to finish.
Not a fan of space opera or level grinding adventures, feel free to sit this round out. Any savy gamer who knows developer Bioware's work, can easily chalk this title in as a new bench mark for the company and the indursty as a whole. Not because its a desperately needed rpg for the 360 library or a picture perfect contender to Sony's disgustingly popular Final Fantasy series... this game oozes standards!
For every negative there is a +5 positive. No matter how much you fight it, rpg games of the future are now required to look or play on some caliber of what Mass Effect displays. Waving such a brave flag alone may appear like an easy target to pick on, yet the immense excitement building in fans of the genre and the expectations of developers bursting at the seams... time will only do justice to this title as its potential leads on as a GDG.
I could go around the table further exploring great companies like Nintendo and Sony, especially with the whole catchy closing of GDG after every rant... but its NFL playoff weekend and I need my rest so I can yell good and loud at the TV all day tomorrow :oops:
For any fellow gamers reading thru my madness, please feel free to toss yer 2 cents in by suggesting a GDG of your prefference from the past, present, or future. There is never a wrong answer among opinions in my book.