So imagine that, me... the guy who hears a song a year old and brags about it being the newest thing I've heard. I watch some movie thats been out since the early 90's and I spread the word like its the coming of christ. Never really been the one on the up and up I suppose, but then again I do have my moments.
Another prime example of my silly ways coming full circle into one big fat smack in my face is this show that people been talking about since day one... Heroes. The concept alone was something that appealed to me when I first heard about it, but I never really sat down and gave it a shot. And thanks to the sci-fi channel they had an all day marathon playing and man o man its been interesting. I had to work this morning, but I've been catching bits here and there... and then there was Halo3 :roll:
I need practice! Not only was I getting served in a major way, but the buttons and movement just felt odd. Not a complaint, but more of a critical observation since all I was doing was being a moving target. Halo2 was silly how characters felt like they were on ice skates or using certain weapons just didn't seem fair when surrounded by possible victims, plasma sword anyone? Not like I didn't enjoy the online experience Halo2 offered, but I could hold my own in that game, especially during death matches. Now in the new beta, I go from room to room until I find a good group of players and from there everything went downhill. And I do mean downhill.
The worst part is its not like I was sucking that bad, I just couldn't keep up with players who were snipin me without scoping, clubbin me for instant death after I bash them 2 or 3 times and even worse of all there is only 3 levels to be familiar with and I looked like a lost tourist. These dudes knew the nooks, acquired the weapons and watched me walk right into their sights. Then again, back when I ran my own server for Halo2, I played without radar AND from time to time turned shields off. You can only imagine how people who randomly showed up felt about that... they hated me!! Not like I cared, cause players who were just good were GOOD! It was a simple premise and it made all who played even better. I hate to take so much credit, but I made some good friends during those Halo days.
Now zap back to the present and picture me struggling to drill bullet after bullet into dill weeds who not only talk heavy sh!t, but they dance around with their stupid shields and clean up with assist kills and sloppy grenades... not impressed. Oh well, some people just sit around waiting for the next new thing to come along so they can milk it for every ounce and then surprisingly diss on it as it they been there, done that. Me, I get wind of it a few days late and people already got rank in the damn thing... LAME!!
My b-ball team sucks, TV is my friend today, chicken is pretty awesome, and I choose solo mode tonight over being social. Something tells me the playoffs are gonna suck @ss from here on out but I still got faith the Cavs can manage. To hell wit the stinking Spurs and power to my cause for some Halo3 come Sunday. I just need a little extra sleep tonight...