Dreski83 / Member

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I just wanna game...

Seriously... it may sound like a big ol' whiney sheeps tale, but with all my working I've been doing to sustain me wee lil bills and expenses (mostly my drinking habits) I hardly ever get the genuine chance to sit down and get my game on. Kinda blows ass I must say!
Yea, I have a DS and it was a wise investment no doubt because now I have something to mix on while on the go plus down time has never been better. Not many books have crossed my path since the DS, but those will always be there which is the same as games... but nothing beats being some of the 1st to play something new within the entertainment world and know everything about it before the masses do.

With some small things shifting in my life at the present time like new job oppertunities, possible moving situations, changing schools, career decisions and so forth... I've been thinking of doing something a tad bit different. Besides being a lame ass and spending more time over the net than I truly need to, I've been really thinking of doing some game reviews of my own. Not that there isn't more than enough people out there rating and critizing games as it is, but I figure why not improve my writing skills and speak about something I know and enjoy. Seems very reasonable, and in its own lil secretive way this may be just the thing I need to fuel my dwindling gaming habit. All in all I need something to bide me over at least until Gears of War hits :P