Some how I just spent over 5 minuntes computing just how many points I'd have on my 360 if I actually played ALL my games to their achievement entirety. That would be about 10k on the dot give or take a few points... including the few games that I don't plan on playing ever again, achievements or not.
Why is this even a subject of interest, I don't really know. Its not an obsession like some I've come across, but I'm slowly and sadly seeing how it could be. The worst part of it all is I'm actually catching myself in conversation with other 360 peoples and I can't help but blab something about points or what achievements you got and such. Its kind of lame... but they continue to chat with me so I like to think others understand the glee...
I'm playin Hitman on the 360 right now thanks to my friend who likes to share games, and its a worth while game indeed. Not enough to get my purchase, but hopefully my praise will make up for it.
While mixin I thought about how I would explain certain things about the game if I wrote a review and it hit me... I never intended to write anything about other games besides ones on the 360. Not only cause thats my newest fond collection of goodies, but when writing about them in reviews it can make for decent small talk to mention the achievements. Not saying it makes or breaks a game, but with this new twist on the pontential of game design on the 360, "beating" a game or "completing" it is really gonna show thru if done well.
Something that has all been apart of my recent rants, please, bare with me.
I'm just pointing a little attention to the possibly great game mechanic some designers could utilize if they really wanted to make a magnifcently super cool game. I'm short on examples, which doesn't help my silly begger request, but take Dead Rising which was done by wonderfull story tellers and game designers, Capcom.
There you have a game where everything almost gels seamless into one grand experience and before you know it you've played the poop out of it 30 some odd times. Solid gameplay, decent controls, active story, plenty of side quest goodies and of course... ACHIEVEMENTS! None of which were something that drove the player away from the story or took you out of that grand ol' experience I was yappin about. In all respects I think the peeps at Capcom did this intentionally, and for good reason too. Who would have thought that escorting 8 females to safety thru a mall of flesh eating zombies would be so hard... lets not make that some cheesy pat on the back you get if you sit down and really try... thats FRANK DA PIMP respect you EARN!
Simply awesome.
All nonsense aside, my rant about 360 achievements is no more for the evening. I've been fully inducted into the hall of shame knowing and admitting to my shameless ways. So with that in mind I'm gonna fire up Hitman and see if I can get this silent asassin award before I call it shut eye. Why do I feed the demon... the answer may never be...