Dreski83 / Member

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poor Cavs...

Honestly, when a team, not just one player chokes under a highly pressured situation... they are in my eyes done! The NBA 2007 finals have just eneded, and the part thatI feel the worst about at this moment is not that my underdog squad just got swept, but more of the fact it happend within their own HOUSE!! :shock:

Talk about a smack to yer momma's face!

No doubt, the Spurs earned it, and like any hater who knows they can't even conjure hate juice out of semi-joy for yer opposition... they are the champs. I could go down the list of what makes these guys and their coaching staff so deserving, but I'll save that for ESPN and talk shows to come.

I wonder if a rant is in call for to state all the obvious reasons why the Cavs were not good enough... :roll: