Dreski83 / Member

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Steroids ever legalized??

I should really be focusing on work related stuff rather than surfing the net... then again, I was watching some Sportscenter this morning and a dude on there actually started to defend steroid usage. I was heading out the door so I couldn't really sit down and hear the whole thing out, yet ever since I heard that, my brain has really been twisting around the subject all morning. I don't support steroids one bit, but my drinking like a umeployed sailor kind of hinders me from being so critical of substance abuse :roll:

I decided to share my thoughts in the forums...

Most likely the subject will get locked up by a Barry Bonds hater or some jockey nuts might bash me silly. Either way, I feel like contributing some valued thoughts and hopefully I can get some actual feedback on the subject.

As a side note to my gaming world, the new 360 is going mighty fine. Movies, music, games, and... well... not everything :| Seems that my fears of having a different console were cemented when I would try to access my XBL arcade games while not hooked up online. Its a no go. Even after following the steps instructed to me by the customer service people, it seems that the old content is not registering properly onto the new system. Which is very frusterating since I can't afford any new games, so I would like to enjoy my older purchases without having to adjust online cords and what not. I may be lazy and my whole high and mighty mind set of spent money should merit easier times... yet thats all a joke at this point... and not the ha-ha funny type of joke :(

I've killed enough time, and my breakfast is finally starting to settle. Might as well earn my keep and do something with myself...