A lot of people have books, especially me, and in one of those books yer okay with me GameSpot;)
I just soaked in just about everything E3 related thats on the site thus far and man O man does it feel great to be somewhere without actually being there. Not only is it a mighty nice privilege, for free especially, but to know there is so much more in the form of news, updates, demos, dates, pics, vids, and personal insight still coming.
I'd love to be in publication one day, simply because its a field of work that I know I could excel at. Besides being a genuine blabber mouth, I'm always down for keeping up with anything media, so for others to deliever for me... thats respect. Never will I sum it up as "they could do better", but I will stay critical as ever :P
After viewing all the major gaming companies spout their numbers and games to come, I can't really say if I have a particular favorite. Microsoft is the company I've invested the most money into since I've had it from release, which could be blamed partly on XBL. Nintendo really played their cards right by doing things that are safe and very expected of their company. Sony actually pleased me with what they have lined up in games and future plans, yet the leap is still a weary stretch on the wallet.
I could nit-pick at all the lil things like the numerous other gamers sitting on their greasy butts complaining about system wars and what not, but I'm still in awe at how every year during these kinds of events... no matter how many times I've paid witness to them... I still feel like a kid in a candy shop :oops:
Nintendo is bringing the arcade world of gaming to yer home, which is awesome! Sony is finally showcasing the power of their beast machine. And Microsoft is on the safe track in delivering high caliber games and expanding their online service. What could a gamer complain about?! Whoever said it, it was no lie... these coming years are going to be some of the best yet for the gaming industry and gamers alike.
After over-dosing on gameplay footage and reading tons of reviews and previews, my wish list is as follows: Assassins Creed, Jade Raymond, Call of Duty4, Mass Effect, Halo3, Stranglehold, and maybe some stuff for my DS and Wii.
In the mean time, I got some C&C3, APF2k8, The Darkness, and a few XBL games to keep me busy until the new goodies come along. No doubt I'll be online, either on LiVE hamming it up or here at one of the best sites on the web for gaming news and info. Not many places get me stoked enough to say such nerdy things openly, so like the big man Reggie of Nintendo said... I am happy 8)