So I wake up around 4 this morning thinking I had to work, only to find out after hours of BS run around, tomorrow would be the day. With little complaint, I quietly kept to myself a majority of the morning gaming away on a little bit of everything. Not only has it been quite a bit since I simply geek'd out from AM to AM, but I finally got a chance to check out the new maps for Halo3.
Thanks to my cousin braving the chilly outdoors providing me with a spare 360 mic, he figured why not DL his LiVE account onto my 360 and load up the Heroic Map pack. I must have sounded like a worried little girl constantly warning him of recent issues with LiVE, and especially people who have had account problems due to such transfer activity :roll:
For some reason it must of not occured to me that he not only plays a butt load more of Halo than me, but he also owns a 360. The weary behavior was put to rest when we finally loaded up his account with little hassle. Maps, Halo, awesomeness! All was well until I realized playing the same 3 maps over 50 times was beginning to wear me thin. Got a few player and ranked matches in on the regular maps, then finally had to call it quits. Cuz wasn't too happy about that non-hardcore behavior, but he does have me interested in scooping up the new maps... even tho they will be free in a short time...
Early in the day I was going thru some arcade games and noticed that I had a demo still saved. It was Dark Messiah. After playing the extremely lack-luster KuF demo, then the terrible game, I wasn't sure I could handle another wasted endeavor. Already playing the PC version of the game and some what enjoying it, I wasn't sure what to expect from the 360 one... as feared, the demo was... lacking. Enough to show what the game could do, but not enough to merit a full price purchase. I suppose thats a unfair label to slap on any game that doesn't blow me away, but I figure its the feeling of "been there, done that" more than anything.
Stangely, I want to play more of it :?
Maybe its the mysterious shakes of not having something new for so long or the desire to trudge thru a adventure that isn't Mass Effect. Either way, I'm leaning towards making a trip to the game store only to find out the demo lied... not JAN, but FEB is the release date. Maybe its another sign from the gaming higher power, but I was actually about to buy this so-so game, AGAIN! Instead, I'm left biting my nails wanting more of something, but not sure of what... how lame!
I've played my fair share of games already in my collection, and with the next few months offering a few gems worth checking out, I figure sharing the wish list wouldn't hurt in aiding my future game purchase
Jan. 22
Burnout is a series that so many people rave about and I've only played a handful of times. With a open city approach to car mashing, I'm really excited to see what this game will offer, especially since most racers lately been seriously lacking for me.
Jan. 23
Advance Wars is another series that I've been following, but one I actually know a thing or two about. Being a big fan, I can't wait to not only add another solid game to my small DS collection, but keeping my fingers crossed this version offers even more of what the first had.
Jan. 29
Turok is coming back and supposedly in a big way. Dino takedowns, that alone is enough to grab any action FPS gamers attention. Its not Halo or CoD, yet its something fresh with ahint of old and musty.
Feb. 5
DMC4 might be just what I'm in need of. Hardcore fast-paced action with stunning visuals is never a bad call, especially when it comes from the Capcom camp.
Feb. 12
Then we have Dark Messiah... the undrafted free agent playing as extra extra back up for the super star line up :P
Hopefully my trip to work is full of activity and keeps me busy because if not, there is a good chance I'llend up trafficing thru the game shop... shame on me...