Dreski83 / Member

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Vidoe Bloggers... like WHOA!

Ever since I began my silly adventures into the wide world of the web, I found what felt like a digital sanctuary. A place where I could express my views and personal thoughts without public scorn. My home away from home, until the faithful day I came across the masses who took full advantage of free video uploads.
In no way am I trying to claim a certain group as the single culprit, never would I desire to stoop to such a petty level. Yet, I do have a bone to pick with the media mongrels who capitalize on the numerous people out in this fine world of ours who allow free expression to the unhindered max.

Maybe... just maybe, all the data that circulates on the massive web could for once be considered a bunch of usefull crap :roll: Instead, we have tons of websites such as YouTube, free memberships to countless places that allow for pics and video uploads within a certain amount, but of anything the user desires. Is this the high brow pish-posh attitude I carry towards freedom of expression, far from it. Plenty of observation and a sour taste in my mouth tells me otherwise... look at modern television!

We live in a world where programs like Jerry Springer, get more viewer attention than political associated content. Yes, both are a not so funny joke, but one has to actually do with a country's future while the other makes a spectacle of it. This is not my best example, nor is it one meant to move people into different ways of living or thinking. Simply observe... if a clothing maker decides to manufacture jeans for a reasonably high price that appear worn and torn, and people actully buy them. What does that say to the group that really does have real clothing? How does this affect fashion as a whole? Who is really making profit, the maker or the buyer? Why is there even profit in such a meaningless use of resources? Why even ask why?

Well... because its annoying :|

I could easily turn a blind eye to all the facets of life that are being overly indulged, dangerously exposed, blatantly used, and shrugg my shoulders at something that I apparently can't change even if I felt like it. But attention is a wonderous thing to pay mind to. And with that, if any ever feel the urge to complain, do so, but stay righteous in such a quest. You never want to come off as the one who kills the vibe or flattens the buzz.
I really had something I was trying to say in all this nonsense, but my lunch time hunger is getting the best of me. What I really wanted to express was the internet is full of crap! Pornography, voyeurism, pop ups, bad advertising, bulk mail, girls that are really guys, and my near and dear favorite... video bloggers :evil:

We are all good people deep down inside, but when you toss that little gum wrapper on the ground even though there is a trashreceptacle only a few feet away, yer not helping the solution. Next time you chuckle about the free whatever something you have the "right" to post on the internet, just think about it. No need to morph your life into a cause for aiding the handicap children. Just ponder about that little gum wrapper and think who the heck is this really helping. Can value really be found within something priced for free, or does baby stepping towards something that could actually be of worthwhile use seem like too much to ask :question: