Hey Everyone! It's been a little while since I've posted my last blog. I think from now on, I'll try to write blogs with less/no spoilers for SSBB.
Anyways, today, I'm here to discuss with you all something unfortunate. Yesterday, as I was checking the Super Smash Bros. Dojo, I saw at the top a notice which said,
"Due to delays in the completion of Super Smash Bros. Brawl, we've had to change the release date of the game to Sunday, March 9th. I deeply apologize to the people who have looked forward to playing the game for so long and ask that you hold on just a little longer. Thank you for your patience."
As a result, SSBB has been sadly delayed to March 9th. All of you who were planning to go (I was one of them) to a midnight release for the game should change his/her plans. I'm pretty upset that they would change the release date so close to February 10th (its old delayed date). I was really looking forward to playing the game since it was only less than a month away. Oh well. We've held out for this long. We can hold out for another month. What are your feelings/thoughts/opinions about the game being pushed back another month?