@BlazeODU It's hard to say that you've "played" it when the gameplay is virtually nonexistent. You're merely interacting with an environment that, aside from the plot, does not evolve in any significant way or present you with any challenges to overcome.
When you market something as a game, potential buyers have certain expectations of what that product should include on even the most fundamental level. Did you just buy a $20 game, or did you just buy $20 worth of admission to an art exhibit? Where will the line finally be drawn?
Mega Man 9: Has extra lives, difficulty, and consequences for your actions: 8.5/10 Ducktales Remastered: A game originally based on the same engine as Mega Man and has extra lives, difficulty, and consequences for your actions: 4.5/10
If anything, zombies are absolute proof that fewer and fewer developers are willing to be original and creative. Everyone's just playing it by the usual tropes now.
@WingChopMasta @warhawk-smakaho It's not like they can pull a game out of thin air in a month. A decent game has a development time of a year at the very least. And they generally do not make announcements until there's something sizeable to show.
If Nintendo has only begun development on these promised ship-saving games, it could be months before we hear about them. And by that time, it will probably be too late.
I don't think the lack of checkpoints is a valid criticism. Despite what a lot of game reviewers seem to think nowadays, games are not entitled to hold your hand. You are not entitled to infinite lives, checkpoints every three minutes, or endless supplies of ammo. Dark Moon's challenge is a design choice, not some flaw that arose from non-conformity.
Heaven forbid we have to restart a 15 minute section of gameplay from our own carelessness.
DruidMettool's comments