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DrummerShane12 Blog

I Must Tell You Something

Hey I have been thinking I have all these Blogs and stuff and I think I need to tell you all something non game related ok>?

I am Gay


LOL jk No I have a wonderfull woman in my Life who I am going to spend the rest of my days with and we have been together since Sept. 21, 2005!

I love her with all my heart and love everything about her!

Well there now you all know






Rock Band , Oblivion

Hey Rock band is AWESOME!! me and my bro love playing co op tour mode him on guitar me on drums!! The songs are so fun and this game reminds me of Dance Dance where you just cant stop playing it and easy mode starts off hard then quickly boring lol

I just Got Oblivion today for ps3 and have yet to play it I cant wait !!

Again feel free to add me to your friends on ps3 network my name is Shane12m but the only thing online I have is a timeshift demo and rock band lol

New PS3, I am Legend and AvP

So I got a new PS3 today BIG suprise! It is so awesome, It came with Drakes Fortune and Ratchet C.

it is so slick and awesome! Wireless Internet is great and graphics rock.

I saw I am Legend a few days ago and It was really really GOOD

To bad AVP Sucked big ones and was too boring and they tried to hard to make it scary

oh and add your psn id's that would be cool! mine is Shane12m

1000, A New Day In History!!!

Ladies and Gentleman!!!! I have reached 1000 posts!! Again I want to think all of my family! God, My fans , my foes EVERYONE this would not have been possible without all of you!!

I know im sounding cocky but I am the GREATEST!!!




New Entry~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~~~!!~~!!~~!!!!~~!!~~!!~~

Has anyone heard of Emery?????? They are really good and its hard to find really good heavy Christian Music..thier new cd is even better then the others..Im only a man is amazing and even funny at times

...FFT was great but after spending a little over 50 hours into this game I have finally gotten over it and kind of bored of it, Still a good game but maybe I shall take a break and focus more on important things..I never played it too much ..just it was like the only game i did play. Ok thought I should annouce this to everyone...

if you are interested in other great christian music check out Blindside, The Almost, Relient K thats just a few ok well this is kinda 2 blogs in one but watever PEACE!!

Wait?? WHAT

oh wat happened last night???


well thats just about it .......until next season I guess

FFT TLW ..Brings back memories-`-`0-0`-`-`-`0`-0`-

Ok so by now alot of you have FFTLW for psp, I played for the ps1 ages ago, I have been playing every chance I get now

I forgot how addicting this game was. I mean it takes a long time to do things and the grindnig for JP might turn people off but to me this is wat makes this game so great. Normaly I would be turned off by something like that where you grind for exp and JP to get better classes but it is so rewadring that it is fun,

This is easily the second greatest game ever made(next to Chronno Trigger) and now it has cinimatics!

This game rocks but now im mad cus when Im done with it ill have nothing else to be hooked on (psp games wise...)

(digeaea loks to wierd to me in videos all the enimies are clumped together>? i dont like that!)














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