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DrunkGrizzly Blog

WoW........there goes a month

WoW was a complete waste time. I got into it for about a month and

just got so frustrated by it's mechanics. As an undead rogue I

stabbed my way to level 80 - a tedious venture. Once you hit 80

you hit a wall. The game is still a grind to replay dungeons so

you can get gear that has a 7% chance to drop. After it

drops you get to roll off for it so let's diminish the probability

you get that loot even further. So people might be asking why

not start an alt? Okay that sounds fun, let's relive the continuous

grind from 1 to 80. Guild's o yeah, the annoying place

where people talk on vent about how much their potions

are going for. They discuss these things in earnest like

they're putting money into an IRA. Then I started my

own guild where people asked me to plan everything. I had

more fun doing pugs (assembling random people to run a raid),

which also entails spamming in trade chat for at least a half an hr.

It's hard to see this as agame, but rather a series of tedious

tasks to gain marginal respect from people who live in their parent's

basements. O yeah, when the next patch/expansion comes

out you do it all again. I'm giving props to Blizzard

for creating a real cash cow.

Fingers are crossed for Dragon Age Origins - because the trailers show

all the personality of Baldur's Gate. Gonna wait

until they package all the chapters of Monkey Island into

one bundle. So now I'm gonna find Vampyre Story because it

fits the time of year.


Maybe my disposition is constantly set on annoyed, Starcraft

multiplayer is lacking. The Starcraft Bnet interface is broken.

In terms of searchingfor games, couldn't they include more

search options? How many times do i have to scroll down

through BGH and Fastest Maps to find the rare dude hosting

an original Blizzard map. Speaking of, people always stick to

BGH or Fastest Map. I hate it. Not only do the Blizzard map

developers deserve a credit for making their maps, but they

are actually more fun. On a 3v3 I was triple teamed, but i

saved myself by floating my terran buildings to a nearby

plateau, and mounted a quick counterattack on one of the

poor defenseless saps that rushed me. I thought

to myself this is war - split second decisions, uncertainty and

use of geography. Even when I host originaly maps,

people are slow to come. It's unfortunate. People are

constantly avoiding asymmetrical maps. A clear testament to

a general lack of creativity on behalf of the starcraft multi

players.Goddamn it, I need a beer.

Haydoken, Haydoken, Hay-shove it already!

Renting Street Fighter 4 for the week. Trying to cram in everything the game has to offer.

All of the characters are now unlocked and it's off to multiplayer.

And by multiplayer, I mean, Ken and Ryu wars!

I just enjoy playing against the same character over and over again.

So I throw in other characters to mess with 'em.

Almost pulled off a Gen win over a hydoken savy ryu.

His old fingers of fury were not quite enough.

I'll nail em with Cammy otherwise.

When I truly get pissed by the Kens and Ryus I bring out Balrog.

I never pull of any impressive moves, I simply beat those

unoriginal bastards into a pulp.

Thanks SF4!

The Lady Killer Perk

I enjoy gaming and right now that means working through Fallout 3 with my buds (3 of us on 20 min shifts).

How was I supposed to know the girl was calling?

She called so many times, my vibrating phone became a possessed demon trying to bust out of my pants.

Did this phase my steady trigger finger? Not in the slightest.

A friend once told her my life consisted of video games and bear (with college classes in between).

An exaggeration!?

As far as I can tell, everything is in the right place.

On track to graduate college, no job in sight.

Let's put those things on pause.

Let's put romance on pause.

There are still mutants roaming D.C. !

As a gamer.............

I'm a low end PC gamer. 1.86 Ghz Inspiron Laptop owner, who tries to push

the limits of his lowly machine, so he can stop drooling on it while looking at

new game pics. Might hop on a 360 to play through Bioshock, Assasain's Creed,

or GOW campaign, but PC loyalist foremost.

Not looking to dedicate too much money and effort to gaming

because of the college

experience (and it is great). Send me a

random message. If it's brainless,

prepare to be mushroom stamped.