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WoW........there goes a month

WoW was a complete waste time. I got into it for about a month and

just got so frustrated by it's mechanics. As an undead rogue I

stabbed my way to level 80 - a tedious venture. Once you hit 80

you hit a wall. The game is still a grind to replay dungeons so

you can get gear that has a 7% chance to drop. After it

drops you get to roll off for it so let's diminish the probability

you get that loot even further. So people might be asking why

not start an alt? Okay that sounds fun, let's relive the continuous

grind from 1 to 80. Guild's o yeah, the annoying place

where people talk on vent about how much their potions

are going for. They discuss these things in earnest like

they're putting money into an IRA. Then I started my

own guild where people asked me to plan everything. I had

more fun doing pugs (assembling random people to run a raid),

which also entails spamming in trade chat for at least a half an hr.

It's hard to see this as agame, but rather a series of tedious

tasks to gain marginal respect from people who live in their parent's

basements. O yeah, when the next patch/expansion comes

out you do it all again. I'm giving props to Blizzard

for creating a real cash cow.

Fingers are crossed for Dragon Age Origins - because the trailers show

all the personality of Baldur's Gate. Gonna wait

until they package all the chapters of Monkey Island into

one bundle. So now I'm gonna find Vampyre Story because it

fits the time of year.